Cuddles (Tyler Joseph)

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Sometimes when Tyler has been gone for a long time on tour, his favorite thing to do is cuddle with you. You'll know when it's about to happen because all the pillows will disappear and so will all of the blankets. Like always, you'll find him sitting under a fort in the living room of your shared apartment just watching you with a small smirk playing at his lips. You'll slowly walk over as he reaches for your hand to gently pull you down where he is resting.

"Don't you have work to do?" you'll always ask.

"It can wait," he always says.

So together, for hours on end, you will cuddle. He would hold you super close to him so you could feel his heart beat. He'd draw little shapes onto your arms, making chill bumps form over your skin. Not longer after that, you'd both be asleep under your fort, chests falling and rising almost in sync.

The best part about cuddles is waking up and having Tyler looking into your eyes, smiling at the beautiful sight he had in his arms before him. He'd rough up your hair before kissing your nose with a peck. Yawning, you'd stretch away your sleepiness as he made little raptor noises pretending to be you which always makes you giggle.

As always he'd ask, "What'd I do to deserve a man like you?"

You'd always respond, "You loved me."

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