Different (Tyler Joseph)

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Tyler was diagnosed with Autism at a young age. All the other kids at school would make fun of him. He was high functioning and very capable of doing things on his own, but the kids still teased him relentlessly.

You were his only friend that knew him better than anyone else did. However, you were gay and that didn't make the jokes any less frequent. But despite the relentless teasing, Tyler's friendship with you remained steadfast. You both found solace in the shared understanding of what it felt like to be different, to be judged for something that was an inherent part of who you were.

Together, you and Tyler created your own little haven away from the taunts and jeers. You would spend countless afternoons exploring the nearby woods, where the rustling leaves and gentle murmurs of nature drowned out the harsh words of others. Within those woods, Tyler's unique perspective shone brightly. His keen eye for detail allowed him to spot patterns in the foliage and unravel the secrets whispered by the wind.

As time went on, you noticed something remarkable happening within Tyler. The more he embraced his differences, the more his self-confidence blossomed. He discovered his passion for art, effortlessly translating his vivid imagination onto canvas. The vibrant colors and intricate details of his paintings conveyed emotions that words often failed to capture.

Word of Tyler's extraordinary talent began to spread to the school and even the town. Tyler was amazing at what he created and had entered it into a contest at school and won first place. There you were in the picture as he accepted his full ride scholarship to an art school out of town. You couldn't deny the fact you were a little upset, knowing he would be leaving in the fall. You were left to choke back tears and words you wanted to tell him before he left.

I like you.

You knew you couldn't do that to Tyler. You feared he'd give up the chance to go to school. But the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air as Tyler excitedly shared his plans for art school. The scholarship was a dream come true, a chance for him to further explore his passion and potential. Deep down, you knew that supporting Tyler meant letting him pursue this opportunity, even if it meant suppressing your own desires.

As the summer days dwindled, you and Tyler made the most of every moment together. Exploring new trails in the woods, sketching side by side, and sharing quiet moments of understanding. But the undeniable truth loomed over your friendship like an impending storm.

On the eve of Tyler's departure, you found yourselves sitting on your usual spot by the riverbank. The gentle babbling of water seemed to mirror the tumultuous thoughts swirling within you. With each passing second, your heart grew heavier, yearning to release the words that had been trapped for so long.

"Tyler," you began hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper. "There is something I need to tell you. I don't want this to change anything between us, okay?" Tyler turned to you with a curious expression, his eyes reflecting the worry and uncertainty that mirrored your own. His hand reached out and gently grasped yours, the touch grounding both of you in that moment.

"You know you can tell me anything," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine warmth and understanding. "We've always been honest with each other, through thick and thin."

Taking a deep breath, you mustered the courage to meet his gaze. The moonlight illuminated the vulnerability etched across your face as you spoke the words that had been buried within your heart for so long.

"I like you, Tyler," you confessed, your voice trembling slightly. "More than just a friend."

Silence settled between you, and time seemed to stand still as Tyler absorbed your words. His grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly, a subtle reassurance that he was still there with you.

Finally, a soft smile tugged at the corners of Tyler's lips, and his eyes sparkled.

"Uh, same."

You were shocked.

How long had he felt like that? Was he being honest? Was he being truthful?

So many words ran through your mind, but Tyler's gently pull at your hand brought you back to reality.

"You mean that?" you asked. He nodded.

Tyler assured you he was just a call or a text away. He was only gonna be there through the week and home on the weekends. He reminded you the visiting hours on campus and how a few nights he may be able to sneak you in for an overnight stay.

And that's how you both stayed the rest of the night, hand in hand as the moonlight shone onto the river.

Twenty One Pilots Imagines/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now