Lover (Josh Dun)

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Prom was next week. You didn't have a date yet and you didn't plan on having one either. You were simply going with your friends and that was it. Tyler and Jenna were quietly going together as expected, even though they tried to hide their relationship as just close friends. Josh on the other hand would probably ask out Debbie, leaving you all alone.

Maybe you didn't want to go to prom after all?

"Are you excited about prom?" Jenna asked, you shrugged your shoulders.

"I guess," you muttered halfheartedly, avoiding Jenna's gaze. Deep down, however, you couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of loneliness that had followed your previous nonchalant words.

As the days passed by, you found yourself increasingly torn between a desire to join in the excitement surrounding prom and an overwhelming sense of apprehension. The thought of attending alone loomed over you like a persistent raincloud, dampening any flicker of anticipation that managed to surface.

One afternoon, with the sun casting long shadows on the pavement outside your window, you received an unexpected phone call. It was Josh.

"Hey," he started hesitantly. "Look, I know we've never really hung out outside of our group, but... I was wondering if you'd like to go to prom together?"

Your heart skipped a beat as a rush of emotions flooded over you. Surprise mingled with curiosity and a newfound surge of hope. Could this be the answer to your inner struggle?

"As friends?" you asked surprised.

Josh hesitated for a moment, his voice wavering with uncertainty.

"Well, maybe more than just friends," he admitted. "I've always thought there was something special about you, and I've been wanting to get to know you better. So what do you say?"

A flurry of emotions danced within you as you contemplated Josh's words. This unexpected invitation held the promise of new beginnings and uncharted territories. With a newfound courage, you took a deep breath and responded, "I'd love to go to prom with you, Josh."

As the words left your lips, a wave of relief washed over you, like the sun breaking through the stubborn clouds. You realized that perhaps this was exactly what you needed – a chance to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

In the days that followed, you and Josh spent countless hours getting to know each other. Late-night conversations turned into shared secrets and guarded walls crumbled under the weight of vulnerability. Each interaction deepened your connection and you could feel your feet falling out from under you. You couldn't explain how Josh made you feel, but you were falling hard. However, you both decided to keep this from Tyler and Jenna.

Also the whole school.

So when the night of prom came, everyone in the friend group piled out of Tyler's truck as someone on valet drove it off. You felt a small tight squeeze on your hand as the four of you entered the loud auditorium.

The atmosphere inside the auditorium was electric, pulsating with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. The vibrant decorations and the enchanting music filled every corner, creating a magical backdrop for the night ahead. As you looked around, you couldn't help but notice the couples dancing gracefully, their smiles radiating joy and contentment. Despite the initial hesitation, you couldn't deny that being here with Josh felt right.

As the night wore on, you and Josh found yourselves lost in a world of your own. The rhythm of the music seemed to sync perfectly with your heartbeats as you moved together on the dance floor. His hand rested gently on your waist, guiding your steps effortlessly. It was as if the entire world melted away, leaving only the two of you in this moment.

Throughout the evening, stolen glances were exchanged between Tyler, Jenna, and your secret dance partner. They seemed to sense that something had changed between you and Josh – an unspoken connection that transcended friendship.

Suddenly, the DJ the school had hired turned the music down before making an announcement.

"Alright everyone, this next song is for all the couples out there tonight." That's when Lover by Taylor Swift filled the air as all the couples rushed to the floor and took each other by the waists. Tyler and Jenna joined in not long after. It was just a moment more before Josh turned to you.

"Shall we blow the top off the school?" You blushed deeply, but nodded. He held his hand out to you as you took it into your own, leading you both to the floor.

People were already staring, but you didn't care. Josh twirled you gracefully under the soft glow of the disco lights, his eyes locked with yours. The world around you faded into the background as your bodies moved in perfect harmony to the music. In that shared moment, it felt as if nothing else mattered except the connection between the two of you.

As you danced, whispers and glances followed your every move. Tyler was quietly cheering Josh on as Jenna laughed, as if she knew about this long before you did. But as the song played on, you couldn't bring yourself to care about what others thought. All that mattered was the way Josh's touch sent electric currents through your veins, making your heart race with an intensity you had never felt before.

Lost in the music and lost in each other, you momentarily forgot about the rest of the world. It was just the two of you, spinning and twirling in a universe crafted solely for your love.

With every step, every embrace, and every stolen kiss, you grew more certain that this was just the beginning of something wonderful...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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