Stay Alive For Me-Part 2 (Tyler Joseph)

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It had been a few weeks since Tyler had found you all alone on the park bench where you had contemplated your existence. The two of you had bonded really well and had became very close. Tyler was always there to talk to and listen to your issues. You had even made some amends with your parents.

However, Tyler would disappear for a few hours during the week and his only explanation was that he was out with friends or he was busy. Somehow, you could tell in his eyes that he was lying to you. Not the bad lying; more of a hiding something lie. Tyler was gone for a long time one evening and you had began to worry. You remembered that you both had share your location on your phone due to Tyler's fear you may relapse and he wouldn't be able to help you.

He was in town, but not where you expected him to be. You began to walk that way towards the center, ignoring the cool air. Once you got there, you weren't allowed inside so you opted to chill and wait outside on a bench. Maybe half an hour later, the doors opened and a group of people began pouring out. It wasn't long until Tyler's bright face came out of the doors, he was holding a few pieces of papers and was talking to an older gentleman.

However, when Tyler caught your stare, his face fell. You got up and walked over to where he was.

"What're you doing here?" He asked shyly.

"I got worried about where you were and curiosity got the best of me I guess." You could tell he was a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I was just at a meeting...." He tried to hide the papers he held in his hands, but the cool air pulled them away from him and onto the sidewalk.

"Let me help you," you began, but Tyler pushed you aside and started to pick up the papers you could now clearly see.


When Tyler collected his papers and seen you standing silently, he knew you had seen them.

"Tyler, I'm sorry-" you spoke, but he held up his hands in protest.

"It's okay. It's not something I'm very proud of. That's why I told you that you had to get better and stay alive for me because I need to stay alive for you." You blushed deeply, snaking your arms around his waist as he held you close and kissed the top of your head.

"Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded.

"I've been clean for about two years now." You smiled brightly at him and pushed your head further into his chest.

"May I ask what your drug of choice was?" You could hear the breath hitch in his throat.

"Heroine." You freed yourself from his torso and looked him in the eye.

"I'm sorry Ty," he pulled you under his arm.

"Let's go talk, yeah?" You both began walking to Tyler's house.

You spent a large part of the afternoon letting Tyler tell you how he got into the drug and how he became obsessed with it. How he couldn't function without it and it pushed everyone he loved and knew away. Then, he nearly broke down telling you how he overdosed and nearly died. You had quiet tears on your cheeks as he told the story. He used his thumb to wipe them away before pressing a long, warm kiss to your forehead.

"It's the past now. I'm not the guy I was then. I can't go back to how I used to be."

"I love you, Tyler." Tyler smiled and blushed.

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to be happy and free of addiction. I want you to live and love every day like it is the last. You made me a stronger person I only dreamed of being. I love you." Tyler smiled even wider, taking your tiny hand into his much bigger ones.

"I love you too Y/N."

Twenty One Pilots Imagines/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now