Jock (Tyler Joseph)

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You watched him from across the court as he dribbled the ball back and forth. You loved how he would show off with the other boys about what all the tricks he could do. He truly was an amazing guy.

You took a deep breath and remembered that it would never happen in a million years. You picked yourself up from the ground and began stretching. You normally walked around the upper part of the gym alone, but today was about to be different. Like always, you started walking with your headphones in listening to Panic! At The Disco. You weren't paying too much attention to anything much but the lyrics to realize that someone had kicked a basketball towards you and before you could react, the ball had connected with your face.

You crumbled to the floor, the burning sensation in your face intensifying. Some kids who walked by laughed at you, but you ignored them even though it hurt. You sniffled and wiped your eyes. However, you wasn't alone.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Tyler asked you.

"N-no." His eyes widened when he saw you crying, but even more at the blood that now trickled from your nose and onto your clothes.

"Here, follow me," Tyler said as he held his hand out for you. You took it and he began to briskly walk you to the restroom. His friends gave him weird stares, but he didn't care. Once the two of you were inside the restroom, he motioned for you to sit on the counter and so you did. He ran cool water over a bandanna he pulled from his pocket. He then began to damp at the dried blood under your nose.

"I can do it myself Tyler, "you said as he blushed.

"I know, but I did this. I was being an idiot and kicked the ball. I'm sorry Y/N," he said as he went back to doctoring you up.

"Thanks, you really didn't have to do this at all. You're friends will probably tease you-"

"If they do I'll tell them to shut up. If they do, then that must mean they're not truly friends now are they?" he asked as he looked you in the eye.

"Yeah, I guess."

Once Tyler decided you was okay, he helped you off the counter and kept a lingering hold on your hand.

"Can I make this up to you in any way?" Tyler asked sheepishly.

"You have."

"No, like can I make this up to you another way?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, maybe get some food later and catch a movie? It'd all be on me?"

"That's too much Tyler."

"Please?" he asked with his eyes wide.

"Why?" you asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm not some jerk and I'm interested in getting to know you? Just strangely we met like this?"

"Wait, what? Get to know me how?"

"You know, like a date." Tyler was very awkward asking you this, but since when was the school's star player gay?

"A date. With me?"

"You don't have to, you can say no-"

"Yes. Yes Tyler, I'd love to." Tyler smiled widely. He took out his phone and made you put your number in and text him right there so he could make sure you didn't play him.

"So later?" Tyler asked again.

"Later." Tyler hugged you and left a kiss on your cheek.

Twenty One Pilots Imagines/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now