Nobody Is Home (Tyler Joseph) *SMUT*

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You and Tyler had known each other for several years now. For the last few months, you've felt yourself falling for him. Every morning, he'd walk to and from school with you. He was just two years older than you. You were a senior in high school and he was a sophomore in college. You two would laugh about nothing, but talk about everything. He knew you inside and out.

However, today was different. You had just gotten out of school and walked to the gate looking for Tyler. Sadly, no one was there. So, you began your long walk home.

Maybe he was sick or had to leave early?

You had some time to think, around twenty one minutes, while you walked home. Suddenly, the bright sky turned to a dark gray as rain drops began beating down on the pavement. You groaned and tried picking up your pace.

"Tyler would know what to do if he was here" you said to yourself. You held one of your books over your head to try and stay as dry as possible. When you did finally reach home, you were soaking wet. You stepped into the house shaking your body like a wet dog.

"I'm home," you called out with no answer. You walked into the kitchen and found a note on the fridge.

Be home late tonight.

Dinner is in the oven.

Love mom and dad

You huffed as you opened the door and got your food out. Once you had settled in your new clothes and your food heated up, you began to watch tv. You had finished your plate and was washing it in the kitchen when there was a thud at the door. You walked over to the door and looked out the peephole.


"What're you doing out here in the rain?" you asked, pushing him inside.

"I came to see you silly. Sorry about earlier, I got held up-" he began.

"Is that a bruise?!" you yelled as he frowned.


"What happened?" you asked as you pushed him upstairs to your bathroom.

"Some guys jumped Josh and I, but we beat them up. Don't worry, I can tussle," he chuckled which made you laugh too. You took him into your bathroom and sat him on the toilet. You began shuffling around in the medicine cabinet looking for what you needed. His eye was a little swollen, but he had a pretty nasty cut on his nose you was worried about.

"This might sting a little Tyler," you told him as you held the peroxide out for him to see. You could see him huff through his hoodie which made you blush. You dabbed some of it out on to a cotton pad as you walked over to him. You went to press it to his nose when he moved away.

"Can I hold your hand?" he asked in a quiet voice. You blushed, holding your hand out for him to hold. Gently, you pressed the pad to his nose. He winced in pain, his eyes burning with tears as he lightly gripped your hand. You felt bad, but you'd feel even worse if it didn't heal right.

Once you had bandaged him up, the next thing you had to do was get him out of his clothes so he didn't get sick. You lead him into your room and since you two were around the same weight you opted to give him some of your dry, clean clothes. You handed him the clothes and he began changing out of his. You looked away and blushed as you picked up his clothes that he threw at you to put into the washing machine. Once he was nearly naked, you walked out of the room and into the laundry room.

After you put the washing machine to start cycling, you made your way back to your room. However, what you found wasn't what you had expected to see. Tyler stood there shirtless in your pajama pants which hung dangerously low on his waist with a brown paper bag over his head. You had never seen Tyler this exposed and all you could do was nervously laughed. He took the bag off obviously smitten with himself and chucked it aside.

"You still have that thing?" he asked. See, you and Tyler had made it a couple years back for fun. You guys stayed up all night while Josh passed out on the couch. That's when you guys became really close and talked about anything. You came out to Tyler by accident, but he was totally cool about it.

"I guess so. I couldn't never really throw it away." Tyler began walking over to you which made your heart hurt. He slowly stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your midsection. You stuttered for a breath when he rested his head on yours.

"Thank you Y/N. I really don't know what I'd do without you." It made your heart melt.

"You're welcome Tyler."

"Can I.... Can I tell you something that no one else knows except Josh? It's been on my mind for a while now."

"Of course."

"You remember that night right? When we talked about everything?"


"There was something you said that made me wanna say something too, but I was a coward to say it. These last few months have been hard for me, I wanted to say it, but I wasn't sure if I was....."

"Was what?" He took a deep breath and pulled away from you, his back turned the other way.

"I don't know how to tell you."

"You can tell me anything Tyler." Tyler turned to you, tears in his eyes and his breath shaky.

"Today when Josh and I got into that fight with those other guys. Well, it was about you."

"Um, okay?"

"You see, I had told Josh something and those guys overheard me. They teased me and called me horrible names. Things I've never been called. So, I punched one and Josh got the other one..."

"What did you say?" you asked. Tyler slowly walked over to you and grabbed your hands in his.

"I think I like you. Like, more than a friend. More than anything or anyone that I've ever dated. I understand if I'm too old for you or if it'll never work because I'm in college and you're not, but I promise I would never hurt you in any way. I like guys. I mean, I like you-"

"Tyler, please stop and just kiss me," you told him as he smiled at you. Slowly, he leaned in until your lips touched.

Everything stopped.

When you guys finally pulled away, cheeks flushed and hair a mess, you both laughed and hugged tighter than ever before.

Twenty One Pilots Imagines/Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن