Fist Fight (Tyler Joseph)

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You and Tyler walked hand in hand down the quiet sidewalk sometime around midnight. The two of you was laughing as you was making your way to Josh's apartment. However, two guys decided to fall behind the two of you making you both break away from the embrace. The guys snickered behind you, making obscene and rude comments. You could see Tyler's fist clench, but you shook your head softly, not wanting to stir any more attention to the situation.

One more block.

Now, the men had turned their attention to you and you only. Cat calling. When that didn't work, they began to shout names. Tyler rubbed his face before turning slightly to you, muttering a quick apology.

"Do we have a problem here?" Tyler asked sternly. The guys just snickered. They began to walk away when Tyler grabbed them by the hoods of their jackets.

"Hey now!"

"I asked you a fucking question. Do we have a fucking problem yes or no?"

"Listen, if you don't get your faggot ass off my coat-" was all he had time to say before Tyler was pounding his fists into the mans temple. The other guy tried to hit Tyler, but he kicked him hard against a brick wall. Tyler now was in full fury mode as you just stood in shock as your boyfriend repeatedly hit the guy in the face.


Tyler had red painted all over his knuckles as you pulled him away.

"Tyler stop. You're going to kill him-"


"TYLER!" Josh was pounding down the sidewalk to assist. You didn't remember texting Josh, but you had in panic.

After pulling him away, the guy yelled a few more before running away when Tyler charged. You had tears all over your face from what had just happened. You had never seen him so angry. Once you all three was locked away in Josh's apartment, you sobbed quietly on the couch while Josh bandaged Tyler up. He had a deep cut on his knuckle and his hand was badly bruised.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I just couldn't let them say those things to you-" you waved him off and went to look out the window. After clearing your throat you spoke.

"I'm not mad at you for doing anything, but I'm scared you'll hurt me like he hurt me." You was abused by your ex and it still scarred you to this day. Tyler had clearly forgotten as he rushed over to your side and held you close.

"I would hurt myself before I ever hurt you y/n," he said as he kissed your nose.

"No more fighting, please?"

"As you wish my prince."

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