About Last Night.... (Tyler Joseph)

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Tyler and you slept together for the first time last night. You wasn't meaning for your first time to be like this, but it's happened and it's over. You had ran back home from his apartment when he went to take a shower. Now you sat in your shower on the floor crying at how stupid you felt. You knew it was a mistake after it happened, but Tyler seemed to enjoy it?

He could never enjoy you. You're too fat for him. You think Tyler wants to be caught with you?

You listened to what your conscious said. You looked at how your thighs practically melted onto the floor.


You finally decided to stand up from the floor and stand in front of the mirror.

Lovehandles? Tyler is probably puking from the thought of you on him.

You picked and pulled at every inch of your body before throwing yourself face first into the bed where you cried some more until you were asleep.

When you woke up the next morning, you heard the faint vibration of your phone on the floor where you threw it when you got home. You wen to answer it, but the call disconnected. However, you seen there were missed calls and texts from Tyler. Altogether, he had tried to reach you nearly a hundred times. You pressed his number with your thumb, but it went straight to voicemail.

Great, he's done with you fatty.

You sighed, and continued to go about your morning like nothing happened and Tyler didn't exist. Why would some hot guy ever wanna see you again?

Around noon, you could hear the faint muffler of a car pulling into your driveway. You didn't have time to go to the door to see who it was before they were busting it down in a panic.


"What the fuck Y/N? I've called you a hundred times! Where did you go?" Tyler yelled frantically as he made his way over to you and attached his lips to yours. You melted into the kiss, that was until he pulled away from it, forcing you to give him an answer.

"I thought how fucking stupid I was to think I stood a chance with you. How fat I am compared to you-"

"No, no, no, no! You're beautiful and perfect! Stop doing this to yourself Y/N, you're killing yourself. I love you!"

"You- you love me?" you gasped. He nodded.

"I wouldn't had shown you that if I didn't. Please, stop being stupid and realize you're all I want and all I need."

"I'm so-" you began, but was cut off by Tyler kissing you.

"Perfect," he said as he pulled away.

"It was my first time Ty, I panicked." He looked shocked.

"I took that from you?" you nodded. "You didn't act like it was your first time," he tried to wiggle his eyebrows, but failed, earning a chuckle from you.

"I'm sorry. I just don't feel special enough to be with you," you admitted.

"I think you got that wrong. I don't feel special enough to be with you." He hugged you tightly.

"Would you maybe wanna still hang out with me?" you asked.

"No." Tyler smiled. "I wanna date you Y/N."

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