Drum Sessions (Josh Dun)

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Josh was always practicing his drums. You both shared an apartment for a few months now and things were starting to go well.

That is until you found yourself covering your head with a pillow to block out the noise erupting from the other room; Josh's drum set.

Josh had bought a practice set of drums that wasn't really drums. It connected to the computer for him to use without having to lug around a heavy set. You was fine with it, but not at this time in the early morning. So, you threw on one of his t shirts and found yourself thudding down the hall annoyed. The noise got louder as you approached the door, so the more upset you grew.

"Hey, hey!" you stormed in, making Josh jump a little, "You're being too loud! You just woke me up!" Josh's face turned red with embarrassment as he made an 'oops' face as you called it.

"Sorry," was all he said before he started laughing at the sight of you. You couldn't resist his laughter as you began to laugh to. Josh promised to make it up by cooking breakfast.

Twenty One Pilots Imagines/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now