11 years ago

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11 years have passed since that fateful day. The twins who survived and the enigmatic disappearance of the heirs of Hogwarts became the talk of the town. It's astonishing how two mysteries unfolded on the exact same day, all those years ago.

As the sun rose, its rays illuminated the neat gardens and highlighted the brass number 4 on the Dursleys' front door. Slowly, it made its way into the living room, a room that gave no indication of two children residing within those walls. Ever since Moony rescued Harry all those years ago, he was left in the care of his mother's sister and her family. moony and padfoot had there own daughter to worry about.Unfortunately, they treated Harry terribly, confining him to a cramped cupboard under the stairs.

From the moment he set foot in that place, he was stripped of his freedom and forced into a life of servitude. He tirelessly prepared their meals, mixed their drinks, and completed every single household chore, leaving no time for himself. His existence was nothing short of misery. Deep down, he sensed that a vital part of him was missing ever since he was placed onto their doorstep. Whether it was a person or an object, Harry always felt incomplete.

In contrast, Snape adamantly refused to let go of his sister and took her in as his own. She grew up under his care, immersed in the world of magic. Possessing immense power, she was notorious for using the crucio curse against anyone who dared to oppose her. Astonishingly, she cast the curse for the first time when she was just eight years old. Snape took immense pride in his goddaughter, and his unwavering love for her remained unaltered, no matter what.

She held a special place in his heart, the one person who could bring him to his knees. He cherished her as if she were his flesh and blood, and his heart soared with happiness when the letter finally arrived. Deep down, he knew that tearing the twins apart was a terrible decision, but he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his little girl with those dreadful creatures. He sensed that she felt a void in her life, an unspoken knowledge that something was missing. He longed to reveal the truth about her twin, but the fear of her resentment held him back. And so, he kept the secret locked away, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to unveil it.

The Dursleys' neighbors, the knights, resided just a few houses away. Every morning, the sound of Vernon's voice echoed through their home. At the age of 11, Atlas and Moxxi bore a striking resemblance to each other. Their hair, as dark as coal, beautifully contrasted Atlas' piercing blue eyes. His intense gaze perfectly complemented his strong jawline, while a small scar adorned his nose. On the other hand, Moxxi possessed a unique feature. Her eyes sparkled with different colors - one a vibrant blue like her brother's, and the other a brilliant green like her father's.

Her face bore the marks of a school accident from her younger days, resembling a constellation of scars amidst a sea of delicate freckles. The Blakes, the Richardsons, and the Whites were inseparable, their bond stronger than blood. Growing up side by side, they attended the same schools and reveled in mischief together. Whether it was playing pranks on each other or teasing their teachers, wherever the five of them went, chaos was sure to follow.

The scent of a sizzling barbecue wafted through the air, engulfing the garden as the lively group of five children darted around. Excitedly, they had chosen to spend the day with at the knights house. Engrossed in their conversations, a sudden thunderous thud echoed from the door, capturing their attention.

Elizabeth pushed the door wide open, exposing the Dursleys. Not a word was spoken as Vernon roughly pushed Harry inside and swiftly made his way to his car. Leading Harry to the backyard, Elizabeth handed him a plate of delicious BBQ food. Harry, appreciative, took the plate and settled down next to Atlas on the grass.

Ceasur and Orpheous were playfully chasing each other in circles, attempting to toss their food back and forth. Ceasur's father suddenly swooped in, lifting Ceasur onto his shoulder and carrying him over to the group of boys seated on the floor. Orpheous quietly trailed behind, struggling to contain his laughter.

On the opposite side of the garden, Moxxi and Delphi were climbing the ladder to their impressive treehouse, nestled proudly in the tree.

As they ascended the ladder, they reached the enchanting tree house that Moxxi and Atlas shared. The tree house was divided by a line, with each side adorned in its own unique style. Moxxi's side boasted a captivating blend of dark green and black, with vibrant posters adorning the wooden walls.

On the other hand, Atlas' side shimmered in a luxurious gold hue, featuring a cozy bookshelf nestled in the corner. Books were scattered on the floor around the bookshelf, while a plush poof sat invitingly next to it.

Delphi lounged on the poof while Moxxi perched on a stack of pillows on her side of the room. They chatted away, discussing anything and everything that popped into their heads.

After 10 minutes, the quartet of boys ascended the ladder with laughter bubbling out of them. Once in the tree house, the group of youngsters, aged 10 and 11, were filled with joy and contentment. They felt secure and carefree, without a single worry in sight.

Nestled in the northern part of the country, there stood a charming cottage amidst the serene countryside. Lucinana, a delightful young girl, playfully pursued her elegant grey and white kitten throughout the cozy abode, while her sister relaxed in front of the television.

At the tender age of eleven, this extraordinary child possessed a truly remarkable trait - her hair gracefully divided itself right down the middle, revealing two distinct hues that beautifully contrasted each other. Her parents adored showcasing both her good and bad sides, cherishing every aspect of her uniqueness. While her laughter echoed through the air, her parents diligently tended to the farm animals in the barn.

Luciana adored her life, yet a lingering sense of incompleteness always nagged at her. However, everything changed one fateful day when a stunning yellow letter gracefully fluttered through the open window, delivered by a majestic snowy owl. As her parents eagerly unfolded the letter, their eyes widened in astonishment. Despite being muggles, they were well aware of the wonders of Hogwarts and the enchantment it held. Deep down, they knew it was only a matter of time before this long-awaited letter would find its way to them.

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