bait for the basalisk

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As Darcy Malfoy hurried through the dimly lit corridors, the flickering flames of the candles on the walls cast eerie shadows around her. The whispers of students reverberated against the stone walls as she made her way to her next class. Suddenly, a familiar figure emerged from the darkness - Gilderoy Lockhart. Lockheart's eyes were bloodshot, resembling crimson pools, as dried blood clung to his nose. His appearance was utterly wretched. Tattered clothes adorned his body, while a tapestry of bruises and cuts painted a painful picture on every inch of his being.Lockhart's smile was as dazzling as ever despite his appearance as he approached Darcy."Ah, Miss Malfoy, just the person I was hoping to run into," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

He advanced towards her with the stealth of a predator closing in on its target. His gaze locked onto hers, his grin morphing into a sinister smirk. Slowly, his fingers encircled her neck as he guided her towards the wall at her back.Darcy couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as Lockhart drew closer. Darcy's heart raced, fear coursing through her veins, as her eyes widened in terror. His rough hands closed around her neck, pinning her against the wall. Her heart pounded relentlessly, beating a mile a minute. Though she longed to scream and cry, she refused to show him any sign of weakness."What do you want, Lockhart? You're supposed to be in Azkaban," she questioned, suspicion evident in her voice. Lockhart's demeanor shifted, his smile turning into a menacing grin as he raised his wand. Before Darcy could react, he cast a spell that left her frozen in place.

A surge of panic coursed through her veins as Lockhart forcefully grabbed hold of her arm, dragging her into a concealed passageway. "Let me go!" Darcy cried out, desperately struggling against his overpowering grip. However, Lockhart's strength proved to be too much for her to overcome.As they delved deeper into the hidden corridors of Hogwarts, fear and uncertainty consumed Darcy's racing mind. What could Lockhart possibly want with her? And why had he singled her out among all the students? These questions plagued her thoughts, intensifying her apprehension.Eventually, they reached a secluded chamber adorned with trophies and mementos, proudly displaying Lockhart's alleged heroic exploits. Darcy's heart sank as she comprehended the true extent of Lockhart's deceit. The realization struck her like a heavy blow.

"You see, my dear Darcy," Lockhart confessed, his voice oozing with malice, "I have grown weary of living in the shadows of others. But with your assistance, I can rewrite my legacy and ascend to become the greatest wizard of all time. You, my dear, will serve as bait for my basilisk."Darcy's eyes widened in sheer horror as Lockhart unveiled his sinister plan to exploit her for his own fame and power. Trapped and devoid of any power, she could only bear witness to the unfolding of Lockhart's twisted ambitions. Suddenly, a loud noise reverberated from behind her just as everything went dark in front of her eyes.

Surrounded by darkness, she found herself in a precarious situation. A scratchy fabric obstructed her vision, while cold metal handcuffs restrained her to a creaky wooden chair. The only sounds that reached her ears were the incessant dripping of an old tap and the haunting howl of the wind outside. A chill ran down her spine, causing her teeth to chatter uncontrollably. Clad in her disheveled school uniform, her once perfect blonde hair now a tangled mess, she felt a whirlwind of emotions overwhelming her, making it difficult to breathe. Her heart pounded against her ribcage like a hammer against a wall, and her body trembled like an old rocking chair. The silence around her was suffocating, urging her to scream, to shout, to do anything to break free. But her mouth felt as dry as the Sahara desert, rendering her voiceless. With every ounce of strength she had left, she pushed and struggled against her restraints, gradually loosening the fabric that held her eyes captive. After what seemed like an eternity of fighting, the material finally came off.

As she surveyed her surroundings, a shiver ran down her spine and her parched throat tightened. The frigid concrete floor served as a bustling playground for a horde of rats, scurrying about as if they had important appointments to keep. In one corner of the dimly lit warehouse, resembling a prison cell, a grim pile of lifeless bodies lay motionless. The sight sent a piercing scream escaping her lips as she struggled against her restraints, desperate to break free. But her efforts were in vain, as a sense of hopelessness engulfed her.

"This is it," she muttered, her voice trembling. "This is where it all ends."

Coming to terms with the fact that escape was an impossible feat, she examined the wounds that adorned her body. Like a macabre game of tic-tac-toe, cuts marred her skin, while the crimson liquid trickled down her face, inching closer to its demise. A deep gash, stretching from her thigh to her foot, served as a painful reminder of her captivity. The metal restraints dug into her delicate flesh, hungrily searching for any trace of blood, while the rats desperately sought a taste of her torment.

She flipped through her memories like an old photo album, trying to piece together her jigsaw-like evening. The only thing swirling in my mind were the memories of her walking through the castle corridors on her way to class. Suddenly, a rough hand grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall. Lockheart. The sound of footsteps snapped her out of her memories. Were her rescuers here? Would they help her? But it sounded like only one person. Were they her captor?

Her mind raced with fear. 'They're going to kill me and use me as Halloween decorations. Will my family ever see me again? My family. Oh no, what happened to my family? What if they're the bodies? No, no, no, they can't be. Can they? Stop thinking like that. I'm losing my mind. Okay, umm. Calm down, breathe, Darcy. Stop thinking. Focus on something you love, like... Puppies. Yeah, think of the cute, fluffy puppies. That are dead. Oh, come on! You can do better than that.'

She struggled internally for a moment before lifting her gaze from the ground to meet the approaching footsteps. Lockheart's aura of confidence was undeniable as he drew nearer. His intense gaze locked onto hers, making it difficult for her to hold eye contact. Feeling small in comparison, she realized she had no chance against him.

'i hope draco comes to find me'

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