leviosar not levioser

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Flitwick took his place at the front of the class, showcasing the spell with finesse. Moxxi and Estella occupied adjacent seats, while Draco and Mattheo sat in front of them, their faces adorned with piercing glares.

Moxxi and Estella followed the instructions and attempted the spells. Unfortunately, much to their dismay, the spells didn't turn out as expected. Laughter filled the room as Mattheo observed the girls from across the way.

"Aww Amorcito.",his voice echoed as he glared into estellas eyes,"I think your doing it wrong."

Her patience reached its limit as his patronizing attitude pushed her over the edge." And I think I'm going to smash your face in if you dont shut your trap."

"Aww darling like you could even reach me with how tiny you are"

With a swift move, professor Flitwick intervened before she could retaliate, summoning the boy to showcase the skills in the correct manner. As he rose to his feet, a mischievous smirk played on his lips, ready to dazzle everyone with his demonstration.

"Wingardium leviosar." With an air of arrogance, his voice echoed through the air as the feather gracefully danced in front of the conceited young boy.

Mattheo shifted his gaze, fixing his eyes directly on Estella.
"You see estella it's leviosar not levioser."

Estella couldn't help but feel frustrated with his attitude, so she stood up and let out a sigh of annoyance directed towards him. "You think your so superior to everyone don't you."

With each condescending laugh, his smirk grew more pronounced, filling the air with a sense of superiority.
"Oh sweetheart I don't think it. I know it. But don't worry sweetie, ill let you bask in my accomplishments."

As she was about to reply to his sarcastic tone, a sudden loud bang echoed through the classroom. Flitwick, standing at the front of the class, used his magic to make books slam onto their tables.

"Detention both of you for causing trouble in my class."

As the rest of the lesson whizzed past, she couldn't help but release a sigh. Before she realized it, detention with Mattheo was upon her.

As she made her way through the corridors, she headed towards the potions classroom where her detention awaited. Snape had requested their assistance in cleaning up his class after an unfortunate incident, and both Flitwick and he believed that they were the ideal candidates for the job.

Estella despised her unfortunate circumstances. Not only was she assigned detention, but she was also stuck with the one individual she detested the most in the entire world.

As she reached the door, she gently tapped her knuckles against it.

"Enter miss snape."

As she entered the room, her eyes gradually adapted to the dim lighting.

"Hello father."She couldn't help but smile as her father graced her with one of his rare smiles, illuminating her face.

The father and daughter pair spent some time conversing about various topics.

The adorable moment was spoiled by the sound of a throat clearing behind them. They quickly turned around, only to be met with Mattheos' disapproving gaze. It was time for detention to begin.

"Ahh nice for you to finally join us Mr riddle. Take a seat next to miss snape. For your detention tonight you will be sorting out the mess made by a couple of disruptive, irresponsible and immature 5th year students."

As he spun around on his heel to depart, his voice resonated in a monotonous tone across the air. However, he abruptly halted and extended his hand, requesting them to surrender their wands.

"No magic." With the wands firmly in his grasp, he swiftly pivoted and made his way towards the exit, ensuring to secure the door behind him.


Mattheo finally broke the silence and decided to voice his thoughts after an hour of working.

"So hermosa dama When are you going to admit that I'm 10 times smarter then you huh."

The young witch couldn't help but scoff as she turned to face him, his words leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

"When will you finally acknowledge that you're not as significant as you believe? When will you face the truth that you're only intimidating because of your father? When will you accept that you're just a washed-up, whiny little bitch who throws tantrums when things don't go your way? When will you realize that nobody actually likes you?"

The words escaped her lips without a second thought. She immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she saw the hurt expression on his face.

"Vete al diablo."

As she was about to express her remorse for her moodiness, he abruptly left the room. 

He hurriedly made his way around the corner, into the common room, and up the stairs to his room. To his surprise, his brother was already sitting there.

It's like his words couldn't be contained anymore as soon as he laid eyes on his brother. He couldn't help but express his frustrations, going on and on about every little detail about her. The way her hair falls, the way her eyes sparkle, her captivating smile, and even her infectious laughter - everything seems to bother him.

Tom, unfortunately, found himself in a situation where he had no other option but to sit there and attentively listen.

" I can't deal with her we have been at this crappy school for all of 2 months and I can't stand the sight of her. Her perfect white hair the sparkle in her eyes when she gets a question right, even the way her smile turns into a smirk whenever she meets my eyes. I can't. She is insufferable." He ranted to his brother. Tom just sat there board as the words invaded his ears. He hated when his brother talked about snape/potter.

They couldn't stand each other. The moment there eyes met insults where thrown back and forth. They always tried to one up each other in classes, trying to prove they were better than the other. The ruined each others projects and papers to try and beat the other one.

Tom didn't want to deal with his brothers whining anymore so he headed down to the common room. Everyone was crowded around the giant notice board standing in the middle of the room.

𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖋𝖑𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖆𝖞 @ 3.30 𝖕𝖒

The riddles were definitely not going to that.

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