gIvE iT HeRe MaLfoY Or I'll KnoCk yoU Of YoUr bRoOm

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Yellow hawk like eyes pierced there ways through the lines of students as madam hooch walked past them.

"Well what are you all waiting for? Everyone stand by a broim stick. Stick out your right hand over the broom and say up"

The slytherins and ravenclaws stood oposite the gryffindors and the hufflepuffs.

The broom flew straight into the chosen ones hand. The heirs stood looking at him in shock. Delphi was the next to get it. Orpheus however was having a little trouble. The broom flew straight up and bashed him in the nose. The heirs stood there laughing at there best friend as madam hooch stalked up and down the row.

Throwing the others a glare, he tried again. This time however it went flying behind him into the brick wall of the castle. The broom broke on impact as the poor hufflepuff stood there staring in fear. He turned around slowly and came face to face with there teacher. Madam hooch didn't say another word as she left to go to the broom cupboard.

Moxxi and atlas decided to use that time wisely. They grabbed there broom sticks and started pretending to use them as swords. They danced through the Isle as they pretended to stab at each other. Atlas was winning the fight but ceasur and delphi decided to help moxxi out. They both ran over to the twins and stabbed atlas through the back. Atlas fell to the ground as moxxi delivered a fatal blow to the head.

A wistle sounded pulling them out of there fantasies as they all rushed back to there places. Atlas however kept his place om the floor he didnt move a muscle.So estella snuck over to him and pulled him up. She pulled him back over to the slytherin line as madam hooch approached orpheus with his new broom. As moxxi stood in her place she couldn't help but steal a look at the blonde standing next to his sister a few people down. As soon she looked there eyes met and moxxi found it hard to swallow. She knew she felt his eyes on her the entire time. What she assumed was a glare was actually a small smile that only he could see.

Once everyone had managed to get there brooms to obey them,madam hooch started to instruct them again.

" now once you have got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it." Those words struck a mixture of excitement and fear through everyone's hearts.

"Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end."

"That would be funny though" moxxis voice wispered in her brothers ear as he let out a chesty chuckle.

"When I blow my whistle I want you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down"

As soon as the whistle sounded poor neville longbottom went flying in the air.

Higher and Higher he went as madam hoochs cries sounded through the air.

" Mr longbottom come back down this instant!"

" maybe he would come down if she taught us how to land." Delphis comment made the group around her giggle and agree.

He was being flung around like a ragdoll. His screams echoed around the school as his broom flew straight into the wall. his broom was out of control. He flew straight down to the ground then straight back up. He twirled around the towers as his broom took him away.
He flew back around the class and up towards a statue of a soldier. His cloak got caught.


His cloak broke as neville went plummeting towards the ground. No one wanted to watch yet no one could look away. A breath of relief left there mouths as his robes got caught on a torch holder. He was safe.

They all celebrated too soon as nevile came crashing to the ground landing on his wrist. The spectators heard a crunch as he landed and madam hooch rushed over to him.

"Oh dear its a broken wrist." The Eagle eyed lady helped neville up as she started taking him to the hospital wing.

"everyone is to keep there feet firmly on the ground while I take him to the hospital wing. If i see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of hogwarts before they can even say quidditch." Longbottom and hooch disappeared quickly inside as everyone crowded in a group.

A certain bleach blondie stood in the middle of said group holding nevils rememberall.

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse."

Before anyone could laugh at the comment Harry potter stepped up

" give it here malfoy."

Moxxi and Orpheus stood there excited for what was about to happen. The two of them loved drama and watching it unfold. They grabbed there invisible popcorn and started to eat it.

"no I think ill leave it somewhere for longbottom to find." Excitment filled the two as malfoy stepped on his broom and flew around the group. "how about on the roof?"

Estella stood next to the group of 5 staring at her brother and her best friends brother arguing like 3 year olds. Estella knew instantly that Harry's hero complex would come into play as she watched him step on his broom and race up to malfoy.

However the next words out of his mouth made the 6 of them cringe.

" gIvE iT HeRe MaLfoY Or I'll KnoCk yoU Of YoUr brOoM!"

As all 6 of then started rolling on the floor laughing Darcy walked over and grabbed there wrists. She helped them all up and motioned for them to follow her. she lead them away from the scene about to happen. She continued leading the 5 heirs and estella to the edge of the Forbidden forest.

It was day time so nothing bad was going to happen. Right?

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