eat slugs

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The undercroft enveloped the group of seven in complete darkness, as they were abruptly torn away from the memory. Delphi couldn't help but feel tears welling up in her eyes, overwhelmed by the intensity of the scene they had just witnessed.

Without uttering a single word, they all silently agreed that the undercroft would now be their sanctuary. Together, they vowed to protect and care for this special place. As they hastily glanced at the time, they realized with a jolt that they had missed the entire lesson.

How long had they been lost in that memory? It felt like a mere five minutes to them. Shaking off the lingering unease, the twins led the way, followed closely by the rest of the group, as they made their way out of the undercroft. They suddenly realized that quidditch practice for the Slytherins was about to commence, so they swiftly headed towards the courtyard.

They hurriedly rushed outside, not a single word escaping their lips. The individuals in the scene appeared only three years older than them. How could someone so young endure the heartbreak of losing their loved ones at such a tender age?

They stumbled upon an empty bench, a perfect spot to unwind before their intense quidditch practice. Orpheous and Atlas swiftly claimed the lush green grass, while Moxxi rested her head on Orpheous' lap and Delphi did the same on Atlas'. The remaining three companions settled on the bench just behind them. Moxxi extended her arm and plucked a stunning daisy from the ground. Intrigued, she gathered a few more and skillfully intertwined them together.

Lost in concentration, she sat in silence with her tongue slightly sticking out, captivating Orpheous with her artistry. Finally, she completed a magnificent daisy chain necklace. With a graceful motion, she stood up and gently placed it around Luciana's neck.

Lucciana's face lit up with delight as Moxxi nestled back into Orpheus' lap. Ignoring the gentle chatter among the group, she happily crafted additional daisy chains, fashioning a couple of bracelets and a majestic crown. With her creation complete, she proudly placed the crown atop her head, feeling like a true queen.

As the bracelets were handed to the boys, Delphi and Estella received the two remaining necklaces. With the crown firmly in place, she sprang up from the ground and took charge of the group. The sound of laughter filled the air as Ceasur leaped off the bench and snatched a stick from the earth.

He playfully pursued the Queen, attempting to strike her, but instead threw the stick over her head to Orpheous on the opposite side. Before she could react, Orpheous swiftly retaliated, thrusting the stick into her stomach.

A gasp escaped her lips as she dramatically collapsed onto the floor, unintentionally landing on top of her brother, squashing him.

As her brother struggled under the burden of her, he let out a groan, insisting that he couldn't catch his breath. With a forceful push, he managed to free himself from her grasp, causing her to tumble to the ground. After the intense ordeal they had just encountered in the undercroft, they were all in dire need of a good laugh.

The excitement, however, didn't end there. As Moxxi rose from the ground and dusted off her skirt, she caught sight of a gathering of players dressed in red, confronting another group dressed in green. With a mischievous grin, Moxxi glanced at Atlas, sensing that a thrilling spectacle was about to unfold. Drama was on the horizon.

Moxxi tightly clutched Delphi's arm while Atlas swiftly gathered the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, propelling them forward. Estella and Luciana followed closely behind. The seven of them positioned themselves at a safe distance from the two groups, not too far to miss any details, but not too close to be entangled in the commotion.

Moxxi and Atlas swiftly retrieved their invisible popcorn and were instantly captivated by the unfolding drama. Orpheus and Caesar couldn't resist bursting into laughter at the twins' amusing antics, while the Slytherin group parted ways to unveil Draco and Darcy Malfoy as their new Seeker and Chaser.

The group of seven was left in awe as the blonde twins confidently took a step forward. It was a complete plot twist that caught everyone off guard. With a hint of arrogance, the twins flaunted their shiny new broomsticks, the Nimbus 2001. However, Hemionie couldn't resist being a bit of a smart ass, which only provoked the twins further. In unison, they hurled the same insult at her, "Mudblood."

The ginger, filled with newfound courage, took a bold step forward and cast a spell towards the blonde twins. Little did he know, the spell rebounded and struck him instead. In a matter of seconds, he began retching up slimy slugs, a truly repulsive sight. The group of seven couldn't bear to watch, and Delphi hurriedly dashed behind a bush to empty her own stomach.

The moment Delphi needed solace, the heirs sprang into action, rushing to her side and guiding her indoors, while the Slytherins reveled in mocking Ron. Together, they carefully supported her as they made their way through the corridors towards the hospital wing. Suddenly, a distinct sound of footsteps echoed around the corner. It was none other than Lockheart.

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