i hate you

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Draco's expression shifted from annoyance to concern as he saw moxxi standing on the other side of the door. His initial scowl softened, only to be replaced by a look of worry when he noticed her mascara-streaked face and trembling hands. Without a word, he pulled her inside, his grip firm yet gentle. "What happened?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. As moxxi buried her face in his chest, Draco's arms instinctively wrapped around her, offering comfort and support. He held her close, his touch soothing as she cried.

"You'll hurt your eyes if you keep rubbing them like that," he murmured, guiding her to his bed. With a tender gesture, he helped her out of her school robes, his actions gentle and caring. As moxxi snuggled against him, Draco's embrace was warm and protective, his touch calming her. "Let's take care of you," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness as he wiped away her tears and held her close.

He fetched a box of tissues and a glass of water, making sure she was comfortable before sitting beside her on the bed. Draco listened attentively as moxxi poured out her heart, offering words of comfort and reassurance. He held her hand, his touch grounding her in the moment and reminding her that she was not alone. As the tears subsided and moxxi's breathing steadied, Draco stayed by her side, his presence a source of strength and solace. He didn't need to say much; his actions spoke volumes as he stayed with her, offering his unwavering support and understanding.

Moxxi looked up at Draco with tears in her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper as she confessed, "I was so consumed by anger and revenge that I almost let it consume me. I almost let it turn me into someone I'm not." Draco's expression softened as he wiped away her tears, his touch comforting and reassuring. "You're not alone, Moxxi. I'm here for you, always. We'll get through this together," he said, his words filled with love and understanding. Moxxi felt a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that Draco was by her side, ready to support her no matter what challenges they faced. With his unwavering presence, she felt stronger and more determined to overcome her inner demons and find peace within herself. His soothing voice hummed a melody as she felt her eyelids become heavy. His comforting touch sent shivers down her spine. "i still hate you moxxi" "i still hate you malfoy"


The words she spat out, "You disgust me, Draco Malfoy," sent a shiver down his spine. Her once gentle demeanor was now overshadowed by a dark and terrifying presence, freezing him in place. The intensity in her eyes, once filled with love, now pierced through him like daggers, threatening to reduce him to nothingness. Surprisingly, he remained intact, his limbs still attached to his body. "What are you talking about?" he stuttered, desperately trying to suppress the bile rising in his throat. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself by vomiting in front of her. "What have I done?"

Her laughter filled the room, a sinister sound he had never heard before, revealing a side of her he never knew existed.He couldn't comprehend the sudden shift in her behavior and the relentless bullying he was now enduring. "What did I do? You're seriously asking me what I did? Haha, unbelievable! Open your eyes, Malfoy! You know exactly what you've done! You've given me countless reasons to despise you. How is it that every time I'm near you, I'm consumed by emotional and physical pain?"

This couldn't be happening. He had given his all to make her happy, investing so much into their relationship. He had shown her his love, prioritized her, and fulfilled her every desire. So, what on earth was she talking about? "I've come to realize that there's a limit to what I can endure. And you've crossed that limit. You're no longer good for me. You never were. In fact, I hate you. I hate you so much!"

Draco choked, feeling as though he had been punched in the gut. She had to be lying, bluffing. "Y-you don't mean it.""Oh, believe me, I do. I should have stayed with Cormac. Leaving him for a loser like you was a mistake. I have no idea why I ever chose to be with you in the first place." She clicked her tongue in regret, as if lamenting the time she had wasted on him.

Draco's sleep was disturbed by a chilling nightmare, causing him to thrash around in bed. Despite pretending not to care for him, Moxxi's sharp ears picked up on his distress, snapping her awake."Draco? What's going on?" Startled, Draco woke up, breathing heavily as he tried to shake off the remnants of his scary dream."It's nothing, Moxxi. Just go back to sleep."

Moxxi rolled her eyes, but a hint of concern flashed in her eyes as she cautiously approached him."Fine, have it your way. But your noise is disturbing everyone with your nonsense."Before Draco could respond, Moxxi surprised him by pulling him into a tight hug, her tough exterior crumbling as she held him close."Just be quiet and let me be here for you, okay?"

Draco looked surprised, but he didn't resist as he leaned into her embrace, finally allowing himself to find comfort in her arms."Okay, Moxxi. Okay."In that fleeting moment, amidst the darkness and uncertainty, Draco and Moxxi found a brief moment of peace in each other's arms, their hidden love for one another shining through the facade of their supposed dislike.

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