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Atlas sprang out of bed with enthusiasm, rousing his sister and closest companions from their slumber. The idea of having a sleepover at the knight's house, so they could embark on their journey to Hogwarts together, had filled them all with excitement. As the morning sun began to rise, Moxxi playfully tossed a pillow at Atlas' head, while stealing a quick glance at the clock, which read 5 am.

"Quiet, I'm trying to sleep," she grumbled and retreated back under her cozy blankets. In a hurry, Atlas dashed to the bathroom and snatched a cup of icy water. With mischievous delight, he tossed it onto his sister, causing her screams to reverberate throughout the room. It was clear to everyone that he was in trouble.

Shivering, she sat up with an intense glare and swiftly leaped out of bed, determined to chase him down the stairs. Laughter filled the house as their thundering footsteps echoed through the living room.

"I'm going to kill you atlas" everyone in the house knew not to interupt moxxis sleep. His laughter turned into screaming as a pillow hit him in the face.

He ran back up the stairs and into the room with everyone. He hid behind orpheus as his sister burst through the doors.

"Help me orpheus"
"Nah dude you done this to yourself" He chuckled as he moved out of the way of the fuming female. You could practically see the smoke coming out of her ears as she stalked closer to her poor shaking brother.

With a surge of anger, she snatched a pillow from the bed and unleashed a flurry of strikes upon him. Each blow landed with force, until unexpectedly, she accidentally struck Delphi in the face, who happened to be standing nearby. In an instant, her expression transformed into one of concern as she turned to gaze at her friend. Worry etched across her face.

As if in an instant, a gentle thud reverberated in the atmosphere, catching her off guard. Delphi stood there, clutching a pillow in her hand, and in that very moment, the anticipation was palpable. The room erupted with joyful screams, and in a frenzy, everyone reached for the nearest pillow within their reach. Feathers soared through the air, accompanied by contagious laughter that echoed all around.

The house echoed with the sound of gentle thumps as the boisterous children gleefully pursued one another. Delphi darted around the living room, with Atlas hot on her heels.

Just as she glanced back to see Atlas closing in, Ceasur suddenly appeared, blocking her path and brandishing a pillow. Delphi tumbled to the floor as the pillow made contact with her face. The room filled with laughter as their parents hurriedly entered.

"Whose hurt we heard a thump?" The weight of worry was evident on their faces, etched deeply into their expressions. However, as soon as they realized she was laughing, a wave of relief washed over them, erasing all traces of concern. The laughter gradually subsided, and the children wearily made their way back upstairs to get dressed.

The boys gathered in atlas' room to get dressed, while the girls prepared in moxxis room. With anticipation bubbling inside them, they all burst out of their respective rooms, letting out joyful squeals, and hurried down the stairs, eager to embark on their adventure.

As the 4 cars pulled up to the train station,the young witches and wizards stared open mouthed. There heavy trunks got heaved out of the cars and plonked on a trolly. They got some strange looks from the muggles who just stared at the young children. Well I suppose it would be a wierd sight to see 5 young children pushing a trolley that had trunks and wierd exotic creatures on them

The train station came into view as the four cars pulled up, leaving the young witches and wizards in awe. Their bulky trunks were swiftly unloaded from the vehicles and placed onto a trolley. The muggles couldn't help but gawk at the peculiar sight of five youngsters pushing a trolley adorned with peculiar creatures and mysterious trunks.

As they arrived at the platform entrance, they spotted the young boy from the neighboring street. He appeared bewildered, his face filled with panic. Delphi's gaze shifted towards the colossal clock on the wall, revealing a mere 10 minutes left to make it inside the platform.

Harry's tear-streaked face lifted, his eyes catching the encircling shadows. A wave of bewilderment washed over him, his features contorting with confusion as he locked gazes with the families.

The moment he laid eyes on the children's trollies, his expression transformed completely. The look on his face vanished, replaced by a glimmer of hope that warmed his heart. Mr. Knight's smile confirmed everything, silently beckoning him to come along. No words were necessary; Harry understood the unspoken message perfectly.

" OK so it will be atlas first, then moxxi, the delphi, then orpheus,then ceasur and last but not least harry potter"
Confusion filled the kids eyes as they looked at there parents.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you. To get into the platform you just run straight into the wall in front of you"
those few words caused the children to panic. The 5 heirs started yelling over each other at there parents. Stating that there going to get killed.

Mr Knight rolled his eyes and decided to show them how it was done. He took off on a nice gentle jog straight for the wall. Atlas and moxxi both screamed for there dad to stop worried he was going to get himself hurt. They squeezed there eyes tight not wanting to watch it. When they heard no sound of impact they slowly opened there eyes. He was gone.

Gasps left there throats as he came back through the wall.
Now they definitely wanted to try that.

A scarlet steam engine awaited the young wizards on the other side. There eyes widened at the sight of the train. Thousands of wizards and witches bustled through the station trying to get there children on the train.

In the far corner, moxxi could see the young girl they bumped into at the store standing next to a boy who looked the exact same as her and an older gentlemen she is guessing was there dad as well as there beautiful mum.

Atlas looked around and his eyes stayed on the ginger family of 7. They all surrounded the youngest boy giving him pep talks and squeezing him in hugs.

They were drawn out of there thoughts by there father putting his hands on there shoulders and turning them to face him.

"Remember. Your the heirs to slytherin. No one can touch you. Your more powerful then all of them combined. If someone hurts you, hurt them back 10x harder. If someone tries to step on you or bring you down, you bring them to the ground and step on there neck. i love you both. Now go have fun and try to stay out of trouble" his words filled there hearts with love and pride as his arms wrapped around there bodies and there mum followed suit.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before separating. Atlas grasped his sisters hand as they both stepped towards the train. Delphi stood beside moxxi and the boys stood on the other side of atlas.

"Ready?" Atlas' voice pulled them out of there worries

"Ready" they all said together. There adventure was just about to start.

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