the undercroft

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The five heirs were startled to discover that only Estella and Luciana remained in the common room with them. The rest of the group had already departed. The four girls made their way to Moxxi's room, while the three boys headed towards Atlas's room. With eagerness, they hurried to get ready, relieved to have a free period for their first class. Hastily donning their school uniforms, they eagerly returned downstairs to the common room. The close-knit group of friends gathered, patiently waiting for one another before setting off from the Slytherin common room.

The seven friends playfully raced each other down the corridors, their faces beaming with smiles. Laughter filled the air as they headed towards their first lesson. Taking a moment to catch their breath, they found themselves on the lower floor beneath the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. With the rest of the students crowding the floor and stairs, Moxxi decided to lean against a peculiar-looking cupboard. As she leaned on it, the cupboard began to emit faint clicking sounds, and to their surprise, the door slowly swung open.

The heirs exchanged glances as Estella confidently brushed past them to open the door. She swung it wider and gracefully stepped through. The other heirs rolled their eyes but reluctantly followed suit. Luciana hesitated, not wanting to join them, but Moxxi firmly grabbed her arm and compelled her to walk forward. Together, they ventured down the dim and dusty corridor. Moxxi and Estella both cast Lumos spells, illuminating the path with a radiant glow emanating from their wands. They soon noticed spiders scuttling in front of them, and cobwebs entangling every corner. It was evident that this corridor had been abandoned for years.

As they cautiously made their way down the rest of the corridor, they suddenly found themselves standing in front of yet another door. This time, it was guarded by a massive padlock, concealing the secrets that lay beyond. With a determined step forward, Moxxi waved her wand and cast Alohomora, unlocking the door effortlessly. With a swift kick, the door swung open, revealing a breathtaking sight that left them all in awe. Before them stretched a vast room, filled with an array of fighting materials, a magnificent canvas showcasing a picturesque hillside, and a sink positioned in the center. Gasps of amazement escaped their throats as they took in the scene before them. Slowly, they began to move, breaking free from their frozen state, and explored the vast expanse of the room. Moxxi, drawn to the bookshelf tucked away in the corner, immediately spotted a particular book that caught her attention.

As she held the book in her hands, she noticed that the front cover was devoid of any words. It had a sleek black appearance adorned with elegant gold decorations. Curiosity piqued, she gingerly opened the book, only to have a letter unexpectedly tumble out. Hastily, she retrieved the letter and made her way towards the rest of the group. With a sense of intrigue, she resolved to share its contents aloud.

Greetings to the fortunate individual who has discovered this letter,

Welcome to the mysterious undercroft. I presume you stumbled upon this place either out of sheer desperation to find a hidden sanctuary or by mere chance, leaning against the entrance and witnessing it magically open. Legend has it that the undercroft, much like the Room of Requirement, only reveals itself to those who are in dire need of it. Within these walls, you will find everything necessary to navigate your years at Hogwarts. From an extensive collection of books to training dummies, spell books, and potions essential for dueling, this room has it all. Whether you seek a space for honing your skills or simply wish to spend time with your companions, the undercroft eagerly awaits your presence. May your experiences within these enchanted walls be as delightful as the countless memories we have forged in this room.

Warm regards,Sebastion Sallow, Anne Sallow ,Ominous Gaunt ,Poppy Sweating ,Natsai Onai and Gareth Weasley

The heirs locked eyes as they heard that one name. ominous gaunt. A chilling presence filled the room. Moxxi and Atlas had heard tales about him. He was their sole ancestor who had adamantly refused to dabble in the dark arts. The one and only ancestor of Salazar Slytherin who stood against the forces of darkness. He was the outcast of his time. Suddenly, the letter burst into flames, causing Moxxi to let out a startled cry. She hurriedly made her way to the fountain in the center of the room, only to realize it was a Pensieve. Without hesitation, she plunged her hand into the icy water, which shimmered with a mysterious blue hue.

The room was engulfed in a colossal wave of vibrant blue, transforming everything within it. Just as the group of seven was about to inquire about the sudden change, their curiosity was abruptly interrupted by the creaking sound of the undercroft door swinging open. However, the individual who entered through the door caught them off guard. ominous gaunt. he confidently wielded his wand, guiding the way as Sebastian Sallow and an unfamiliar companion trailed behind him. It became evident that they had stepped into a vivid memory.

As Delphi stood there, a sudden chill ran down her spine. She could feel a presence passing right through her, sending shivers down her body. It was Anne Sallow, and without hesitation, anne rushed towards Sebastion, embracing him tightly. Pushing Sebastion aside, she looked at the mysterious blind man. In a bold move, she hurried over to him and passionately kissed him. Both Sebastion and the unknown girl were taken aback, their make-out session leaving them slightly disgusted. However, the unknown girl then surprised Sebastion by hugging him from behind and whispering something in his ear, causing them both to burst into laughter. Turning around, Sebastion took the girl in his arms, dipping her dramatically as their lips collided once again.

The room underwent a sudden transformation, transporting the group of seven to a completely different scene. They found themselves in the midst of a colossal battle. To their astonishment, an unknown girl stood face to face with a gigantic, menacing dragon. Determined and fearless, she unleashed every spell she could conjure against the creature. However, what she uttered next left everyone in shock.

"Avada Kedavra."

In an instant, the dragon fell lifeless, and the young girl collapsed onto her knees, drained of her own energy. The group watched in horror as Sebastian rushed over to her, embracing her tightly. As her eyes slowly closed, her life force visibly fading away, they realized she was dying. Sebastian pulled back her jacket, revealing a shard of glass embedded in her stomach, causing her blood to spill uncontrollably. Tears welled up in Sebastian's eyes as his anguished screams pierced the air. He couldn't bear to lose her; he needed her by his side. With her remaining strength, she gently guided his head down to her lips, using her last breath to share a final kiss with her one true love. And then, she was gone.

A heart-wrenching scream filled the air as Sebastian crumbled under the weight of his grief. Ominous, sensing the imminent danger, pulled him away from her lifeless body just as the room began to collapse. With tears streaming down his face, only one word escaped his lips.


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