the house cup

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Descriptions of blood . Sorry. :)

Moxxi's fist collided with Atlas' bloodied face, exacerbating his injuries. As tears cascaded down her cheeks, she relentlessly pounded her brother's face. However, he swiftly turned the tables, retaliating with a barrage of punches.

The twins found themselves at the center of attention, encircled by a curious crowd, as they engaged in a fierce exchange of punches. Little did anyone know, except for Pansy, Luciana, Blaise, and Theodore, what had led to this intense altercation.

As more fists made contact, their faces became increasingly bloodied. The twins now sported identical injuries, with broken noses, cut lips, and bruises scattered all over their bodies.

With a forceful grip, a calloused hand snatched Moxxi away from her brother, while simultaneously, a pair of tender arms enveloped her. The familiar scent of bleach blondie instantly reassured her. Though she didn't have a moment to reprimand him for his touch, her focus was solely on confronting her brother.

Moxxi's glare remained unyielding as Draco escorted her to Dumbledore's office, while Atlas sought assistance from Pansy. The door forcefully closed behind them as the twins took their seats. Before them stood the teachers, their expressions filled with disappointment as they gazed upon the group.

"What in merlins name happened out there."

The head teacher took the lead, breaking the silence as Draco and Pansy lingered in the shadows near the door. As soon as he posed his question, both Moxxi and Atlas eagerly jumped in, trying to be heard above the other. Their voices escalated into a chaotic chorus until Dumbledore raised his hand, signaling for them to hush.

"One at a time. Atlas you first."

Atlas began recounting his version of events. He was chilling with his buddies, engaged in casual banter, when out of the blue, his absolutely bonkers sister stormed over and unleashed a brutal assault on him. Desperate to put an end to the madness, he attempted to reason with her, doing everything in his power to avoid any physical confrontation. However, when she persisted in her relentless attack, he reluctantly resorted to a few defensive strikes.

Moxxi couldn't help but scoff at her brother's story, which was brimming with nothing but lies.

As her brother concluded his tale, all the teachers shifted their attention towards her, indicating that it was her moment to shine.

Moxxi began to reminisce about her tale. She was enjoying her time with friends when she accidentally caught wind of some of Atlas' acquaintances discussing the things he had been saying about her. Curiosity piqued, she approached them to inquire about the matter, and they spilled all the details. Filled with anger, she stormed over to confront him. As soon as she reached him, he chose to engage in an argument and even initiated physical violence by throwing the first punch. In self-defense, Moxxi fought back, resulting in both of them tumbling to the ground. Just as things were escalating, the teachers intervened and pulled them apart.

When moxxi had finished her version the sound of a chair scraping against the floor sounded. Atlas was mad. He was standing over moxxi fuming. You could practically see the smoke coming from his ears. Before anyone could do anything however both moxxi and atlas where being pulled down out of Dumbledore's office and over to the dungeons.

The twins looked at each other as realisation hit them.

Detention. Again.

As the twins and Snape stepped into the potions classroom, their eyes met in silent understanding. Atlas bore numerous injuries, while Moxxi's wounds ran deeper, causing more pain. They were equally afflicted, each carrying their own share of suffering.

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