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Moxxi maneuvered through the bustling crowd, determined to join her friends. The Slytherin versus Gryffindor Quidditch match was in full swing. Ceasur, Orpheous, and Delphi were rooting for Gryffindor, while Moxxi, Atlas, Estella, Pansy, and Luna were enthusiastically cheering on the Slytherin team.The spectators erupted in cheers as Slytherin gained another point, leading 90-30. Players darted around above Moxxi's head as she stole a quick glance at the blonde Slytherin seeker. It was their first encounter since that day in transfiguration. Draco raced through the players, focused on catching a glimpse of the golden snitch.

As his gaze locked with the young girl amidst the Slytherins, everything around him seemed to freeze. The noise of the crowd faded away, leaving only her in his sight. Oblivious to his teammates' warnings about the incoming bludger, he was brought back to reality when she gestured towards something behind him. Holding his breath, he swiftly descended towards the ground. The bludger pursued him relentlessly until the Slytherin beater came to his rescue. Looking around, he caught his father's disappointed gaze. "Focus, Malfoy," he reminded himself sternly. "You need to get your head in the game."

As soon as his gaze locked with Saint Potter's, he knew it was the perfect moment for a little mischief. Soaring up to the Gryffindor, he hollered above the commotion."alright there Scar Head!" Harry remained silent, shooting a fierce look at Malfoy before deftly dodging the same bludger that had targeted Malfoy. Malfoy perched on his broom, chuckling at the scene unfolding before him. The rogue bludger relentlessly pursued Potter across the field, causing screams of fear from the Gryffindors as it shattered Oliver's broom in half. Laughter erupted from the Slytherin section at the unfortunate mishap. The bludger continued its relentless chase, tearing through the stands in its path, determined to reach Harry. It was clear that the bludger had been tampered with.

"training for the ballet potter?"

As the glint of gold caught their attention, Malfoy's taunting voice echoed through the air. The snitch! Harry raced after the elusive golden flash, closely followed by Malfoy. It was a close race, with Malfoy even elbowing Harry in his attempt to reach the snitch first. But just as Malfoy's fingers were about to touch it, the snitch darted under the stadium. The two second years dove after it, weaving between the wooden planks. First, Draco was in the lead, then Harry, then Draco again, and finally Harry. The golden snitch decided to play another trick on them, flying back to the pitch.

The rogue bludger relentlessly pursued the two, leaving destruction in its wake. Both of them raced after the elusive snitch, with Harry in the lead. Just as he was about to grasp victory, the bludger appeared out of nowhere and struck him directly in the arm. With a bone-chilling crack, Harry tumbled off his broom. Draco remained as the sole contender for the snitch, coming tantalizingly close to reaching it. Almost. His fingertips brushed against it before he spun on his broom and plummeted to the ground. The players in the air were bewildered, unaware of what was unfolding. Both seekers seemed to be out of the game. With a clenched fist, the bleach blonde raised it high as the crowd fell into a hushed silence. Slowly, he opened his palm, revealing the golden snitch nestled within. Malfoy stood up and triumphantly waved the snitch in the air. His gaze met his father's, who responded with a tight-lipped smile and a nod. He was proud. Draco couldn't help but smile as his teammates rushed down to the field, enveloping him in a jubilant group hug.

His eyes wandered towards the Slytherin stands, where he caught sight of his girl. A smile graced her face as she playfully blew him a kiss. Instantly, his cheeks flushed crimson and a burst of laughter escaped his lips. However, his joy quickly faded when he realized that everyone was ignoring the victorious team and flocking towards Potter instead. of course saint potter got all of the attention.

As the Slytherin team maintained their positions, the teachers rushed over to attend to Potter. They immediately noticed his broken arm. Just as everyone was about to volunteer to fix it, the fraud pulled out his wand and muttered an incantation. "Brackium Emendo." Unfortunately, the spell had the opposite effect and removed every single bone in his arm instead. Hagrid swiftly scooped up Potter and carried him to the hospital wing, away from Lockheart's presence. The crowd surrounding Lockheart gradually dispersed until only one person remained: Delphi. With a mischievous smile, the young Ravenclaw girl stood there while Lockheart whispered something in her ear.

Moxxi and Atlas woke up abruptly on the couch in the communal area. Their clothes clung to their bodies, and the crackling fire provided a cozy backdrop. A sense of unease enveloped the twins as they jolted into consciousness. They locked eyes, sharing a singular thought: Delphi.

As the ravenclaw common room was enveloped in darkness, Delphi bravely ventured out of her cozy bed. She swiftly changed into some comfortable attire and slipped on her shoes and socks. With a deep breath, she stepped out of the dorm rooms and descended to the common room. The beauty of the room at night mesmerized her as she took in the sight. Leaving the common room behind, she made her way down the stairs of the ravenclaw tower. The chilly breeze sent shivers down her spine as she navigated through the dimly lit castle. Climbing up the stairs to the astronomy tower, she discovered that the man she was supposed to meet had already arrived. He turned around and approached the young girl, leaning in closer to her.

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