hello harry i am tom riddle

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The group of friends had dozed off on the floor and sofas in front of the crackling fire. They found solace in each other's presence. Suddenly, Tom jolted awake, his head throbbing with pain. Instantly, he knew what was happening. The memories of that night flooded back to him, as vivid as ever. Reluctantly, he rose to his feet and made his way to his room. Desperate for help, he called out, but just like before, it was futile. Last time, he had gotten into serious trouble, facing the threat of expulsion and being sent to Azkaban.

As a consequence, he was sentenced to detention every Friday for the entire school year, which amounted to a grueling eight months. Needless to say, he was far from pleased. With heavy steps, he ascended the stairs to his shared dorm room with his brother. Clutching his wand and a brand new diary, he muttered a spell that seemed muffled, as if underwater, and the diary began to emit a soft glow.

Tom despised the notion of relinquishing control over his own body. He detested the idea of being manipulated like a marionette, with someone pulling the strings. The face of his tormentor remained the only memory that eluded him. It appeared as though this individual desired Tom to recollect every minute detail of his actions that night. It was as if they aimed to burden Tom with an overwhelming sense of guilt for his deeds.

Tom was well aware that a wandering mind and a remorseful conscience were the perfect combination required for casting the imperious curse. With the ethereal glow of the books enveloping the room, he couldn't resist reaching for a quill and a bottle of ink. Carefully, he dipped the quill into the inkwell and began to inscribe six words onto the parchment.

The words vanished within the confines of the page, a clear sign that his enchantment had successfully taken effect.

Slowly, he felt himself rising from his desk, compelled to leave the slytherin common room. He walked down a few corridoors before footsteps echoed in his ears.And there, standing right in front of him, was the same red-headed person from earlier. Percy's eyes widened in recognition. In a panic, he attempted to turn around and rush back to his common room, but his efforts were in vain. Before he could even take a single step, a spell struck him from behind, causing him to collapse onto the ground. The slytherin towered over the gryffindor, laughing arrogantly at his feeble attempts.

"And I thought gryffindors were known for their bravery," he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. With a simple gesture, he shoved a book into Percy's arms and whispered a command into his ear. Percy nodded hastily, understanding the urgency, and sprinted away towards his common room.

Percy dashed through the hallways, his heart pounding with urgency, as he ascended the stairs towards the Gryffindor tower. With determination etched on his face, he uttered the secret password to the fat lady guarding the entrance and swiftly stepped inside.

Ignoring the concerned gaze of a fellow prefect, he navigated his way towards a specific room. Impatience consumed him as he rapped on the door, his anxiety fueled by the fear of his encounter with Tom Riddle.

The door swung open, revealing a disheveled, raven-haired boy who was clearly irritated by the interruption to his slumber. Before Harry could utter a word, Percy thrust the diary into his hands and hastily made his escape, leaving behind a trail of apprehension.

Harry remained frozen in place, resembling a statue, as his attention shifted towards the mysterious diary. Being an inquisitive young lad, he couldn't resist the urge to open it and take a peek inside. To his surprise, as he flipped through the pages, he realized they were completely blank. How peculiar.

Harry grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink, ready to pour his thoughts onto the pages of the diary. As he began writing, he couldn't help but notice how the words seemed to seep into the paper like quicksand, captivating his attention. Suddenly, six words materialized before his eyes, causing Harry to hastily close the book and rush out of his house towards the Slytherin common room.

"Hello Harry. I am Tom riddle."

Harry sprinted out of his common room and dashed down the Gryffindor tower, his heart pounding with determination. He raced through the winding corridors, his footsteps echoing in the empty halls, until he reached the entrance of the Slytherin house. To his surprise, a plain brick wall stood before him, blocking his way. Unbeknownst to Harry, the entrance to the snake door only revealed itself when a member of the Slytherin house was in close proximity. Frustration etched across his face, Harry pounded on the unyielding walls, pacing back and forth in a futile attempt to find an opening. Eventually, he reluctantly accepted that he would have to postpone his confrontation with Tom Riddle for another time.

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