troll boogers

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Tw descriptions of blood again. :)

" hermione, darcey move now"
More stalls got smashed into pieces as a piece stabbed it's way into darceys leg. Her blood trickled onto the floor as the boys started trying to distract the troll. They picked up broken wooded shards and threw them at the trolls head.

The troll let out a menacing growl before slamming his club onto Darcy's leg, causing her bone to shatter and her piercing scream to echo throughout the room.

Draco's body brimmed with fury as he charged towards the troll. The red-haired lad beside him firmly clutched his shoulders, halting his advance.
"Draco, it's far too perilous," he cautioned.

The troll only turned around when harry climbed on top of the trolls head and shoved his wand so far up its nose it basically touched his one and only brain cell.

"It's absolutely fine for him to charge ahead and confront that silly troll, but apparently, I'm not allowed to do the same."

Draco's gaze pierced through the fiery-haired man. Harry, without a doubt, possessed an unwavering obsession with being a hero. He incessantly craved the spotlight, always yearning to outshine everyone else and take charge. From that instant, Draco made a solemn promise to himself: he would ensure that Harry never basks in the glory of being a hero again.

it made the troll mad but it gave the girls enough time to crawl back over to the boys. They crawled through the trolls legs and ran. We'll in darcys case hobbled behind the boys. Malfoy wrapped his arms around his sisters body and helped her out of the bathroom.

As they walked into the hospital wing, darceys eyes instantly met moxxis and delphis. They were sitting in beds opposite each other with matching bandages on there hands. Atlas sat next to his sister stopping the blood on her shoulder as madam pomfry finished wrapping up her hand.

bleach blondie walked his sister to the bed next to moxxi and sat there with her. Every few seconds his eyes left his sisters face a glanced at the girl next to them. Malfoy could see her face contort in pain as the needle seeped into her skin. For some reason his chest hurt seeing her in pain. He didn't know why.

Madam pompfry made her way over to the other set of twins as something inaudible escaped her lips. Without another word she rushes around the hospital wing grasping at supplies. She rushed back over to darcy with the supplies in her hands. She shooed malfoy away from the bed as she closed the curtains.

Screams echoed through the wing as malfoys hand grabbed the closest thing to him. Moxxi.
Her eyes widened in shock as they sat there in silence holding each others hands. He squeezed tighter as his sister screamed her heart out. He didn't like hearing her in pain. The only thing stopping him from running through those curtains was the warmth he felt clutching his hand. The girl he loathed grounded him. And kept his head above the water. One simple touch from her made him feel better. This girl was special. She just didn't know it.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, gentle snores and wimpers filled the room. Atlas stood faithfully by Moxxi's side, while Draco kept watch over Darcy. The brothers gazed at their sleeping sisters, their hearts filled with love and protectiveness. A burst of laughter escaped Atlas' lips as Moxxi let out a sneeze in her slumber. Draco's stern expression softened as he admired the serene beauty of the girl next to his twin.

Draco couldn't help but smile as he watched Moxxi sleep peacefully, feeling his heart fill with love and warmth.

Chaos Runs in Our Blood ~  draco malfoy Enemies To LoversWhere stories live. Discover now