The dragon being scared of a snake

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"Attention students we are 10 minuets away from hogwarts"

A resounding voice reverberated from the ceiling of the carriage. The heirs swiftly snatched their elegant robes and made their way to the luxurious ensuite bathrooms for a quick change. Each of them had their own private sanctuary to prepare.

Moxxi found herself in her exclusive bathroom, putting the final touches on her attire. As she carefully zipped up her skirt and adjusted her tie, a familiar voice echoed through the door, belonging to none other than her pet snake.

"Mox come back now."

Her eyes widened as a hissing voice echoed in her mind. Loki, who rarely sought her assistance, sounded desperate. With anticipation, she pushed open the doors, only to discover Loki coiling around Draco's arm. The sight that greeted her was far from what she had anticipated. As Loki coiled around his arm, his trembling body and terrified expression brought a mischievous smile to Moxxi's face.

"Aww is poor malfoy scared of the ittle bittle snaky"Moxxi could never forget about this unforgettable moment when her eyes met his. She approached him with a sparkle in her eyes, but instead of what he expected, she reached for her bag and took out a muggle camera. The entire carriage burst into laughter, making Malfoy the center of attention. Suddenly, a blinding flash filled the air as Loki playfully snuggled closer to him, making him release an unexpected girly scream.

Moxxi couldn't help but burst into laughter as draco fixed his gaze on the young girl. With each attempt she made to assist him, the snake coiled around him even tighter, causing him to let out yet another scream. The entire carriage was thoroughly entertained by the spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

Atlas and Delphi were rolling on the floor in fits of laughter as Malfoy screamed about how his father would hear about this. The cracking of his voice only intensified their amusement, causing them to laugh even harder.

Laughter filled the air, its distinct sound reverberating as all eyes turned towards the girl standing by the entrance. Darcy couldn't contain herself, doubled over in fits of laughter, as she watched her brother frantically scream at a snake.

Moxxi made up her mind to lend a hand to Draco, and from that point on, nobody would ever let Draco live down that unforgettable moment.

The dragon being scared of a snake

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