unexpected friendship

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As Atlas descended the stairs, the slytherin common room was engulfed in darkness. To his astonishment, he discovered the very boy he had been searching for, seated in front of the crackling fire. His friends were nowhere to be found.

Draco sat there, his mind in a state of denial. He simply couldn't accept the fact that he had developed a crush on the girl. The very idea of feeling admiration for someone, especially the heiress of Slytherin herself, was something he vehemently rejected. The thought of liking someone was abhorrent to him.

As atlas made his way towards the colossal black leather sofa, he carefully settled down beside the fair-haired boy. Atlas turned his gaze towards Draco, who seemed oblivious to his presence. Determined to snap him out of his reverie, he discreetly cleared his throat.

Draco's head snapped around, locking eyes with the brother of the girl he had feelings for. "What brings you here, Slytherin?" His voice dripped with venom as he spat out the words.

Atlas casually reassured Malfoy, "Take it easy, Malfoy. I couldn't catch a wink, so I thought I'd come down here." His gaze wandered pensively across Malfoy's features. The tension in Malfoy's face eased as he discreetly averted his eyes from the Slytherin. He let out a deep sigh and settled back comfortably in his chair. There was something about the soothing look in Atlas' eyes that put him at ease. Perhaps, against all odds, they could find a way to coexist harmoniously.

Atlas spotted Malfoy in a state of relaxation and seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation. His attention was drawn to a book resting on the table, titled "Voyages with Vampires" - a clear indication of Malfoy's questionable taste. A sigh of exasperation escaped Atlas's lips as he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Sensing Atlas's disapproval, Malfoy turned his gaze towards the curious onlooker.

"Seriously, Malfoy? You're reading that book of all things?" His voice carried a harsh tone, catching Malfoy off guard. Raising an eyebrow, Malfoy responded, "Oh, no. I despise Lockheart. He's a complete fraud. I'm only reading it to mock him." Little did they know, that single sentence marked the beginning of an unexpected friendship.

The two young boys were engrossed in a lively conversation, delving into all things Lockheart. They remained seated for hours, amusing themselves by teasing and mimicking the man in the most comical and outrageous ways. Their laughter echoed through the room, reaching such heights that tears threatened to escape their eyes. Unbeknownst to them, the night had slipped away, and it wasn't until their sisters descended the stairs that they realized morning had arrived.

The moment the clocks struck 6, Darcy jolted Moxxi awake. Darcy had been up for an hour already, feeling utterly bored. Both girls quietly dressed, engaging in a hushed conversation so as not to disturb the others in the room. Once ready for the day, they made their way downstairs to the common room. What they saw before them left them astounded - their brothers, getting along and sharing laughter.

The girls exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes widening with excitement. Stealthily, they maneuvered their way towards the sofa, eager to eavesdrop on the conversation. Suddenly, a mischievous idea sparked simultaneously in their minds, prompting them to quietly sneak up behind their respective brothers. With a silent countdown of three, they pounced at their brothers' shoulders, causing them to let out a high-pitched, startled scream.

The girls couldn't contain their laughter as they sat beside their twins. The instant they laid eyes on the book resting on the table, they instantly knew what the boys were discussing. Their disdain for Lockheart was evident. As the conversation progressed, the girls eagerly chimed in, expressing their shared opinions about the deceitful fraud.

During their conversation, Draco and Moxxi couldn't resist stealing glances at each other. Thoughts raced through their minds the entire time. Moxxi found herself captivated by the way Draco's gray eyes sparkled in the flickering firelight, and his mischievous smirk only added to his charm. As they all laughed at his joke, Moxxi couldn't focus on a single word he said, too busy admiring his unique beauty.

Draco couldn't resist cracking jokes, hoping to see her radiant smile. Her eyes sparkled with delight as their conversation carried on, and Draco couldn't help but smile back at her infectious joy.

Darcy and Atlas were well aware of the tension between them, having caught stolen glances exchanged. They hatched a secret plan, knowing exactly what needed to be done. Both of them cleverly excused themselves to grab an early bite and finish up some homework before breakfast, leaving the two of them alone.

The room fell into a hush, enveloping the two tweens in an uncomfortable silence. They sat there, stealing quick glances at each other, their faces turning a vibrant shade of crimson. Finally, Moxxi mustered up the courage to shatter the stillness by posing a question to him.

As the question escaped her lips, her voice trembled and she deliberately averted her gaze. "Well, Malfoy, care to share how your summer went?" That single inquiry ignited a captivating dialogue about the blonde's eventful vacation. He delved into every detail, from the exhilarating adventures he and his sister had with fellow Slytherin pure-bloods to the peculiar behavior of his parents throughout the entire holiday season.

Moxxi couldn't help but be captivated by the subtle shifts in his expressions and emotions. She observed how his eyes sparkled with hope and excitement when he spoke about his sister and their friends. However, she also keenly noticed the change in his demeanor as the conversation turned towards his parents. Sensing his discomfort, she quickly changed the subject and began sharing stories about her own summer adventures, hoping to spare him any further unease.

As she finished reminiscing about her summer, the conversation shifted back to Lockheart and Delphi's extraordinary affection for him as well as there disgust for him.

In a rare occurrence, there was no bickering among them. Surprisingly, the two Slytherins managed to maintain a civil demeanor. It was the first time in their lives that they were actually getting along. And what brought about this unexpected harmony? Their shared detestation for Lockheart.

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