imperious curse

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As the night enveloped the room, Tom Riddle was abruptly awakened by an excruciating headache. Bewildered, he found himself unable to control his own body, as if some unseen force had taken over. His legs propelled him across the room and down to the common area. Spotting his friend Draco, Tom swiftly evaded him, sensing his distress. With a sense of urgency, he followed the path that led him to a familiar classroom, not bothering to knock before entering. The room was empty, except for a solitary diary resting on one of the tables. Tom hurriedly approached, snatching it up. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him, causing him to whirl around and face the person who held sway over his actions. Whispers echoed in his mind, compelling him to continue moving.

As he made his way through the castle corridors, his legs propelled him forward. A glimmer of hope filled him as he heard approaching footsteps. Maybe someone could rescue him, free him from the clutches of the imperious curse. The lack of control over his own actions was unbearable, like watching a movie of his life unfold before his very eyes. Just as he turned the corner, Percy Weasley appeared in front of him, and he desperately cried out for help. But no words escaped his mouth, leaving him feeling utterly helpless. He tried to scream, to break free from the curse, but it was futile. However, what happened next left him stunned. A blinding green light erupted from his wand, and Percy fell to the ground, writhing in agony.

Tom's eyes grew wide with shock as Percy's piercing screams echoed through the air. What had he just done? Ignoring the crying boy, Tom proceeded towards the Slytherin common rooms, a mischievous smile slowly forming on his face. Sneaking past both boys on the sofa, he couldn't help but smile at there new found friendship. However, as soon as he retreated back into his room, he felt the curse release its grip on his body. Before he could even react, another spell struck him, plunging his vision into darkness.

As the sun rose, Tom awoke to a pounding headache, just like the night before. Memories of his previous adventures were nowhere to be found, but something caught his eye - a pristine new diary resting on his bedside table. Intrigued, he resisted the urge to open it, deciding to leave it untouched for now. Perhaps it held secrets he could uncover in the future. After getting ready for the day, Tom made his way to the common room, where his friends eagerly awaited him. A mischievous grin spread across the face of his cocky brunette friend. "Took you long enough, Riddle. Ready to go?" he teased, earning an elbow to the ribs from Tom's brother. "shut up nott. Tom was just perfecting his impeccable hair, as always," he retorted, causing the group to burst into laughter as they made their way to the bustling Great Hall.

Tom sighed and rolled his eyes as he made his way to the hall for breakfast. Draco, on the other hand, couldn't contain his excitement as he rambled on about the girl he had a crush on. The rest of the boys playfully teased him, making the atmosphere lively. However, Tom's attention was elsewhere. A fleeting memory flashed before his eyes, a memory of a red-headed prefect writhing in pain on the floor. He dismissed it as a mere figment of his imagination, chalking it up to a bad dream. But as they entered the great hall, the gasps from everyone made him realize something was amiss. Tom noticed Percy engaged in a serious conversation with Snape and McGonagall, exchanging concerned looks and stealing glances at him. As they approached him with stern expressions, he knew trouble was brewing. Perhaps that dream was more than just a dream.

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