enigma's secret IV

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Tokyo — Early Spring, three years ago

Throughout the next year, Suna redirected the trajectory of his life and decided to train under the joint operation of the TMPD and PSIA. Much to his mother's demise, he packed up his things and moved from the apartment building in Nagoya where he'd lived all his life to a designated dormitory meant to house new agent trainees in the PSIA within the matter of a few weeks.

Most of his life Suna had lived in comfort, but transitioning so quickly to a brand new city left him in a whiplash—everything about Tokyo was completely different from Nagoya. Sharing a dorm room with three other trainees was something he hadn't experienced before and it left Suna feeling incompetent. The others in his cohort had histories within the military, police, and judicial government—yet, Suna's lack of education and inexperience within the workforce deemed him the black sheep of his class.

In fact, most of his fellow trainees resented Suna for landing a highly sought-after agent position due to complete nepotism—they teasingly called him "Nepo Boy" for short, all due to the fact he was offered a position within the PSIA without any formal qualifications other than being the son of the Chief Commander. Because of this resentment, Suna was subjected to a lot of bullying within his first few weeks of training. It got to the point where he was starting to regret ever coming to Tokyo, but fortunately in a matter of months, Suna began to quickly earn the respect of his cohorts.

Despite having absolutely no educational or physical training experience, Suna placed first in every assessment in the program. Although in the beginning it was an obvious struggle, he became the first person to pass every assessment with flying colors ever since 1995 back during his own Father's training days. Suna became the top achiever of the physical training program, succeeding him from a bullying victim to the envy of his class by end of the year.

By the coming of summer, the PSIA new agent training program had commenced. Suna graduated top of his class, which soon privileged him to serve under an operation of his choice. Without any hesitation, he chose the upcoming mission led by his father that was previously put on a cold case a few years prior.

This particular mission was initiated by Suna's father, Kenji, and his commander in charge at the time. They were focusing predominantly on the demolition of the Osaka dominated yakuza clan, the Kitagawa Daichii. Their goal was to take down the entire organization, first starting with their Trans-Pacific Trade Operations leader—he was the one to take down first, as he was the strongest on their defense line—he was also considered the most wanted criminal by the PSIA due to his power and connections amongst other clans.

Although, what mainly caused their mission to be placed on an indefinite hiatus in the first place was the clan had been subjected to internal conflict that resulted in the death of the clan's trade operations leader. Because of that, the clan crumbled from within, leading to immediate arrests and the ultimate demise of the Kitagawa Daichii. By the end of the cold case, the clan reduced, leaving only a scatter of loyal members to fend for themselves.

For years, the PSIA was made to believe that the same Trans-Pacific Trade Operations leader was dead for years, up until recently where a tip was given from the TMPD regarding suspicious import activity from the Tokyo Freight Harbor. Upon agent inspection, it was no other than the same guy running the business again, just under a new employer, the Sakanoshita clan. Luckily for the PSIA, there was already a long standing history with the Sakanoshita clan regarding the multiple targets amongst the family and yakuza members.

Soon, Kenji was sent from Osaka to Tokyo to join the operation set to take down the Sakanoshita clan, slowly but surely gathering intel and waiting for the right moment to strike. Fortunately, half way through the operation—Mr. Sakanoshita, head of the Sakanoshita clan, unexpectedly passed away. From intel, his death was caused by inner turmoil within the immediate family, which ultimately decreased the amount of work the PSIA had to do for the mission.

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