Frozen Skin

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Diamond soul and heart of glass

(Dreams and nightmares)
~ the sun felt warm on my face as I ran through a field of grass, barefoot, racing towards the ocean and desperate to dive into the water, without a care in the world…
Coming outside of the bathroom and seeing Wooyoung kissing that other girl, my feet won’t move an inch and this is all I can see, tears streaming down my face as I feel my heart breaking in my chest…
Laying in bed, laying on my back and looking into his perfect heartwarming eyes, his fingertips tracing against my skin, and never wanting Yeosang to stop touching me
All of my guys with me in the living room as they all one by one come and give me a piece of jewelry, their promise
And finally. Staring into the mirror and feeling nothing but terror, my makeup all over my face and seeing the blood run down my wrists for I had been taken away, taken from Callie, the first time I had ever seen Ateez and Stray Kids in concert ~
I didn’t dare open my eyes. I know this is far from over but what other choice did I have, it was either this or Felix would have gotten hurt. And I would much rather let it be me then him. My body aches and my mind is filled with the dreams and nightmares I’ve just had. I want to cry, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over seeing Wooyoung cheating on me I’ll never forget that first night I was taken away and come to realize that I was under the protection of Ateez. Part of me wishes I had stayed in Japan, maybe then this truly would have been over. My guys would have moved on and so would I. I would have moved back to America and started over, again. I wish I could have saved them all the pain. I would have even left Callie so she could live her life with Stray Kids because that was always her dream, even after he hurt her too …
It does me no good now to sit here and fill myself with regret. This was my choice and I need to face the consequences now, just as I always have. I can’t tell where I am right now and it’s more quiet then I thought it would be. Have I been beaten too bad to be able to use any of my senses?
Footsteps are coming towards me now, swift and quiet. I pretended to be asleep still to see what would happen next. He moved closer and closer, and eventually two of his fingers were resting on my pulse in my neck
*Yes, she’s still breathing, that’s something at least The boss will be happy about this. This poor girl has no idea what she’s in for now. And honestly. It would have been better for her if we had all just killed her right then and there with Felix. But he said otherwise so now we follow the plan*
I heard him start to walk away but all of a sudden came walking back and leaned right down to my ear as if he knew I was awake right now
*You’re lucky it was me and not someone else. It’ll all come together soon, you’ll see*
A sharp pain began in my arm and I could feel myself being dragged back into being unconscious again. Why does his voice sound so familiar?

Callie POV
I laid in the room by myself, my eyes puffy and my stomach started to rumble. How many times am I going to have my best friend taken from me.. how many times will my best friend leave me. And what if she doesn’t come back this time. The guys keep telling me that they’re working hard and that we will get her back without a doubt. But it’s obvious this time that we don’t know if it’ll be dead or alive. I should get up and check on Felix, I know hes beating himself up from that day, that he wished he could have saved her, that he wish things had turned out different
Tap, tap, tap
The door opened but I couldn’t even bring myself to look to see who had come in
*Do you think you might be able to eat something now my love? Would you like me to run a hot bath for you? I know there isn’t much I can do right now to help you but I’m still going to take care of you as best I can, we all are* - Han
I can’t look at you, I can’t answer you as hard as I try. Tears started streaming down my face but I still couldn’t even make a peep. He came over to me without hesitation and just held me in his arms, running his hand through my hair and giving me forehead kisses every now and then. It feels like the tears haven’t stopped and I’m surprised I’m not completely dehydrated right now from crying so much. Is this something I should just try to get used to? Losing her constantly and wondering if ill ever see her again … I can’t think and my brain can’t process, I don’t want food, I don’t want a bath, I don’t want to be held. I just want her back or to be with her wherever she is right now

My body feels ice cold and I can’t move. I can hear the heater running in the background but I feel like I’m frozen entirely. Footsteps coming towards me and I still pretended to be asleep, the sharp pain of a blade pressing down along my cheek, blood dribbling down my face, if he did anything else to my body I couldn’t feel it.
*Take this, send it to Hongjoong and destroy it. This is going to be fun*
Another prick in my arm and I was about to fall into darkness again. Having the same nightmares, seeing him cheating on me, the self destruction and my days I spent living in Japan

Callie POV
The door burst open and I shot up out of bed in a panic wondering what’s going on now and Han had to pull me close to him to help settle me down
*Sorry but we need you in the living room now, Chan’s orders* - Jeongin
Han picked me up in his arms and carried me out to the living room, I kept my face buried in his neck. Although it’s not like everyone here hasn’t seen me being a complete mess before
*I’ve just gotten another message and they sent another picture* - Hongjoong
They passed me his phone and I had to really force myself to look at it. She looks so pale, almost blue and its clear she has a fresh cut on her face. Is it possible that she’s already dead and they’re just sending fucked up pictures now … more tears started flowing from my eyes as I buried my head into Hans neck again
*She’s either dead or she’s going to be very soon* my voice was barely above a whisper so I know Han was the only one who could hear me
The pain in his voice as he told the others what I had said and the silence that filled the room afterward was like nothing I’ve ever experienced

*You better start counting down the last of your days, and enjoy the goose chase while it lasts. Because soon you’ll be six feet under and I’m still going to be a free man* - Michael

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