Chapter 1

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this is one of my first books i published and honestly it's not that good, i'm trying to become a better writer even though i put a lot into this book, just a warning before you read this book but thank you guys for the support!!

Stella's Pov
Hi! My name is Stella Thorne! I am 17 years old! I also have a Youtube channel and I also do funny vines on Instagram and the app Vine!

I was about to go to Magcon  and meet all of my supporting and loving fans. I couldn't thank them enough I was so excited!

I started packing on Thursday my flight leaves on Friday! After I was done packing I headed downstairs to get something to eat! I am not exactly the healthy type!!

Of course I went into the cabinet and got out some chips! I went back upstairs and started watching a show.

"Can I borrow your laptop?" my annoying brother Jack said

"Why?" I asked

"Cause I want to watch videos" he said

Ok fine but hurry" I said

(Next day)

"Stella wake up you don't want to be late for your flight" my mom yelled

"Ok" I said annoyed

I hopped in the shower dressed myself and put on mascara and eyeliner and my EOS balm.

I brushed my hair and checked my social media. I went downstairs and ate breakfast my mom made me. After that I went upstairs and grabbed by suitcase.

"Bye Jack" I yelled

I got in my car and waited for my mom. She finally came after like 2 minutes. We started driving

(At the airport)

"Bye Mom" I said while hugging her

"Be safe" she said

"I will" I said

I started walking into the airport I got my ticket and went through security! I was finally on the plane I sat down in my assigned seat.

While everyone was getting settled on the plane, this boy sat next to me. He had darkish hair.

His eyes were bright blue they looked like crystals. He stared at me and smiled I did the same! He looked so familiar

"Hi I am Nash" he said holding out his hand. We never lost eye contact.

"I am Stella" I said shaking his hand. A chill went down my spine!!

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