Chapter 3

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Stella's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I turned it off

"Carter wake up" I said half awake. She started groaning

"Ok I will" she said and sat up, I hopped in the shower then got dressed.

I put my usual makeup while Carter was taking a shower. I sat on my bed and waited for Carter. We went downstairs and ate breakfast. I ran into Nash

"Hey Stella" he said staring into my eyes

"Hey" I said

"Want to come swimming with me and some of my other friends?" he said while scratching the back of his neck. He looked nervous.

"Yeah sure can I bring a friend?" I said

"yeah sure we will come over" he said

"See you there bye" I said

"Bye" he said. I went back to Carter who was smirking like a retard.

"What?" I asked.

"You like him don't you" she said and did a eyebrow dance

"Maybe" I said and turned bright red

"Lets go were going to the pool" I said. After we were done eating we went upstairs to our room to get dressed.

Carter and I were wearing a one piece. I was not exactly comfortable wearing a bikini. I Got a towel and some sunscreen I wore a shirt and some shorts.

I sat on my bed and checked my social media while waiting for Nash and the others.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door I answered and saw Nash and some other boys.

"Stella meet Cameron, Jack and Jack, Matt. Cameron had dark brown hair. One jack had blonde and a light skin color.

The other had dark brown. Matt had Lightish blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hi" I said to all of them

"Hey" they said

"Lets go the pool" Nash yelled. I laughed and closed the door.

Nash's POV

When we arrived Stella and Carter sat at the chairs. What? Everyone was in the pool except them.

"Guys come in" I said

"No thanks not now" they said. Me and Cameron Smirked. We got close to them and I carried Stella and Cameron got Carter

"Put me down" they said while squirming and slapping us no that hard. We threw them in the pool. We burst into laughter I was crying cause they looked priceless

"You are dead" They said Stella and Carter got out of the pool and started running towards us.

Shit we were running when Stella pushed me into the pool. Carter pushed Cameron in also. This time they burst into laughter!!

After a while we left and everyone was gone except me and Stella we were laying on the chairs. We were super close.

I could feel Stella's warm breath on my face. I crashed my lips on hers after a few seconds she kissed back. We went in sync and it was the best feeling ever!

"Sorry" I said as I pulled away

"Its ok I liked it" She said smirking

"Stella umm would you umm want to go on a umm date?" I stammered as I scratched my neck

"I would love too" She said

"Great lets go at 7 today" I said relieved

"Ok see you their how do I dress" She asked

"Casual" I said

Lets Go its getting late" I said

When we were in front of our rooms.

"Bye" She said as she pecked my lips

"Bye See you there" I said

I entered the room took a shower and went to sleep. I was double excited because it was the first stop from the tour and we had a date with the most beautiful girl in the world!!

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