Chapter 46

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Nash POV
I was so so so happy that Stella said yes. I was very worried about her answer. I felt like the happiest person on earth. I love her so much.

I woke up to see my hands wrapped around Stella and her hands were wrapped around my neck. I could hear Stella's cute snores.

I pecked her lips. As her grip got tighter around my neck. I chuckled and getting out of her grip.

"Nash please stay" Stella mumbled still half asleep.

I decided to stay and pulled her closer to me. Closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Stella POV
I woke up and checked my phone it was 12:30. Damn that was late. I yawned and shook Nash. He groaned loudly.

"Nash wake up" I said

He woke up and crashes his lips on mine. Unexpectedly I gasped and kissed back. He pulled away and got out of bed.

"I'm taking a shower" I said and headed to the bathroom. Nash ran in front of me and grabbed my waist and  pulled me close.

"Can I join you?" Nash smirked

"Yeah" I said as Nash grinded on me. A moan escaped my lips as I bit my lip holding it in.

We went to the bathroom and locked the door and I undressed myself as Nash watched in amusement. He then undressed himself and we went in the shower.

Nash stood behind me and grinded on me again. His hand crept to my clit and rubbed as I moaned in pleasure.

He inserted a finger as I screamed he didn't give me a warning. He smirked and kissed my shoulders and pumped in and out.

I was a moaning mess. I was about to cum and Nash knew and pulled out of
me teasing me. I got revenge on him.

I kneeled down and grabbed it in my palm. I rubbed up and down slowly and then went faster and faster. Nash tugged the top of my hair.

"Oh baby don't stop" Nash moaned

I stopped and stood up. Nash looked kind of angry that I stopped. I laughed at his reaction.

"Ugh I hate you" he said

"Hey you stated it first" I chuckled

I squired Nash's shampoo and spread it on his hair. He washed it off and squirted my shampoo and massaged my hair. I washed it off and we headed out of the shower.

I got dressed and so did Nash. We sat on the bed and cuddled together and watched shows for the rest of the day.

"Nash when do you want to have the wedding" I asked him

"As soon as possible" he said

"How about in 2 weeks?" I asked

"Prefect" he smiled and kissed my lips gently

At 12 we headed upstairs and cuddled and fell asleep. I can't wait till my wedding.

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