Chapter 41

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Stella POV
I woke up naked next to Nash who was also naked. I pecked Nash's lips and unhooked his grip.

"That was weak" Nash mumbled

I laughed and was about to get out of bed but Nash pulled me back and smashed his lips on mine roughly. I kissed back with passion and thirst.

"There happy?" I said and pulled away

"Yes" he said satisfied

I laughed and headed in the shower. We were going to dinner with our friends. Emily,Taylor,Cam, and the jacks.

I got out and wore a dress that was just above my knees. I did my usual a makeup and straightened my hair. I went into the bedroom and Nash was ready.

"You look beautiful" Nash said

"Thanks, let's go we don't want to be late" I said

We headed out the door and drove to the restaurant. We reached there in about 20 minutes. After a little bit everybody was here.

Nash kept a hand on my thigh and pulled away and then went closer and closer to my clit.

We all decided to order and had separate conversations. After a while the food came and we were all eating.

Nash scrunched up my dress and rubbed his fingers on my panties which was wet. I held back my moans. Until Nash went inside my panties and rubbed my clit.

I stuffed my mouth with chicken to keep the moans in. Nash chuckled and started at me.

"Stella are you okay?" Cam asked me

"Yeah just hungry" I said with my moth full of chicken.

Then Nash entered a finger inside me making me moan as I tried to keep it in. Oh lord please don't moan I said repeatedly to myself in my head.

He pulled away as I swallowed the chicken. He chuckled. My breath was heavy. After a minute I went back to talking to Emily and Taylor. I was so mad right now. I glared at Nash.

My hand kept to Nash's pants and unbuttoned his pants. My hand went inside and through his boxers I saw that he got a boner.

I went inside his boxers as he quickly grabbed his drink and started drinking. Holding in his moans. I grabbed his dick with my palm and went up and down. Slowly at first and then I speed up.

He was literally about to moan but filled his mouth with water holding it in. I pulled away still mad that he started it.

After that we ordered dessert. We ate and went home. The drive was silent not awkward silent peaceful silent. It was nice. We headed inside.

"Nash what the fuck was that for" I yelled at him

"Why would you do that you're such an idiot" I said in frustration.

"Come on you know you loved it" he smirked widely. He leaned in for a kiss but I pushed him away kind of hard.

"Don't fucking touch me" I snapped

I went upstairs. What if they knew that Nash did that? Ugh the embarrassment. I hate Nash so much.

I got dressed and went downstairs ignoring Nash. I don't know why I was so pissed. Idk? I went on my phone and laid down. I could feel my eyes getting heavier. As I passed out on the couch.


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