Chapter 9

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Stella POV

I was still recovering from what happened yesterday. It was almost the end of July so we will be heading home soon. I am sad and happy at the same time.

"Nash wake up" I nudged him

He groaned

"Nash wake up now" I said shaking him

"Hmm" he said sleepily

I went to the bathroom and filled a bucket with water. I poured it on Nash and he shot up. I ran to the bathroom.

"You're dead" Nash laughed

"Oww" I winced in pain

"Nash I hurt my foot come in now" I said

He rushed in

"What's wrong?" he said worried

I poured water on his face and started laughing like crazy. I ran to the room and jumped in the bed. Nash followed and he started tickling me like crazy

"Stop" I said breathless

"Don't do that again" He laughed

We just sat there on the bed.

"Lets go somewhere to eat" he said

"Where?" I asked

"Chipotle" I said

"Ok yeah sure" he said

I hopped in the shower and then dressed myself then I dried my hair and did my usual makeup.

After that we headed out the door. Nash intertwined our hands. We drove to Chipotle and we ordered.

After we ate we decided to head to Starbucks and we got some drinks. We headed home and just went on our phones. I like these type of days you know


Hey guys Boring chap I know Sorry. Follow me on Instagram: riyaanwar

Tanks for reading!!

Love you

"Sometimes you have to stop crossing oceans for people who won't even jump over a puddle for you"


Love ya ;)


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