Chapter 25

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Stella POV
I woke up to see I was still on Nash's arms. I got out of his grip.

"Nash babe wake up we have school its the last day" I said

"Morning babe" he said and leaned in for a kiss. Butterflies filled my stomach.

"Nash I am going to my house to change ill be back in 30 minutes" I said

"Ok bye" he said and I kissed his cheek

I left his house and walked to mine. I went upstairs and changed into some light shorts that was ripped and a cute sweater

(Outfit at beginning of chapter). Then I curled my brown hair. I went downstairs and grabbed my backpack. I went to Nash's house and knocked and he let me in.

"Made you some breakfast" he said

"Aww thanks" I said

I sat down and ate some pancakes. After 10 minutes we got in the car and we drove to school

"I am so excited its the last day" I said

"Yeah me too" Nash smiled

He pulled up and we got out. We intertwined our hands and headed inside.

"Bye see you at lunch" I said

"Bye" he said

We didn't have the same classes which sucked. We only had English together which was after lunch.

Anyway I just walked to my first period when I was pulled into the janitor closet.
The man covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. Muffled screaming was coming out.

"Luke? What the hell" I said

"Stella look I just wanted to apologize for making you pregnant. Since you hate me I came to you" he said

"Whatever. I still and will always hate you" I gritted between my teeth

I got out of the closet and headed to my fist class math! Yay I say to myself sarcastically.

I got out my sandwich and took a bite. When Nash came walking my way.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" he said

"Is it me or it feels like it's been 1 million hours and school hasn't ended yet this is literally the longest day ever" I said

He laughed

"You're right" he said and took a bite of his sandwich

After lunch we held hands and headed to English together.

Me and Nash sat next to each other. And Nash kept his hand on my thigh.

"Since it's the last day you can do whatever you want" the teacher said

I got out my phone and checked my social media when I got a text from Nash.
N- Hey babe

S- We are right next to each other

N- but it's cuter this way

S- I don't know why but your right

We ended our weird conversation. After
English we got to our last period which was a assembly for our graduation.
Me and Nash got out diploma and we headed home.

I am so glad school is over.
We went to Nash house instead of mine.

"Umm Stella I need to ask you something" Nash said nervously

"Yes" I said

"Stella I love you so much and I was thinking if we could you know get a house together?" He asked

"I would love too but where?" I said

"What about in LA, California?" He said
"It's perfect" I smiled

He leaned in for a kiss. We moved in sync.

We were on the internet looking for houses in Cali.

"That one" I said

It was a beautiful house with 3 rooms, 3 bathrooms, and a beautiful kitchen and living room and it also had a hot tube and a big pool.

"It's perfect" he said

"I will book tickets for California tomorrow afternoon" he said

"Ok" I said

I went home to go pack. I packed everything. It took me a hour. I grabbed the suitcase and went to Nash's house.

I changed into some PJ's and Nash was only wearing his boxers.

Which was so hot. We got into bed and we tangled our legs and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Within seconds I was out.

damaged ≫ nash grierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ