Chapter 22

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Nash POV
I headed inside Stella's house. Her mom wasn't home there was a big mess on the floor. Bottles,trash,food was on the floor. I saw a note on the fridge:

Look I left you and I have this new rich boyfriend. I live with him now. I left tons and tons of money for you and the house.

Text me if you need anymore. He gave that money did I mention he was rich.

I went outside and gave Stella the note she read it and was about to cry but she was trying to be brave.

"It's ok Stella" I said hugging her

We went to the hotel and packed and signed out then we went to Stella's house and she unpacked.

Next morning

Stella POV
I woke up and headed in the shower. I dried my hair. I decided to wear dark jeans, a button up shirt, and some brown combat boots.

I also had a grey hoodie cause it was cold outside.
(Outfit at the beginning of chapter)
I saw Nash awake and he was wearing a black t shirt and ripped jeans. He looked hot.

"You look amazing" he said

I blushed madly.

"I need some clothes lets go to the mall" I said and grabbed some of the money my mom left me.

"Ok let's go" he said

(Stella is not in crutches anymore she can walk again)

We reached the mall and I went to a few stores and got lots of outfits. Since I didn't have that much money to buy clothes before my mom gave me the money. After that we headed home.

I woke up and threw up thank goodness Nash wasn't here. It was really long. I wonder why? Anyway we watched movies until I passed out.

Hey guys I have lots planned next chapter so it will get interesting soon.


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