Chapter 35

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Stella POV
1st Week
This first week has been hell for me. Ugh me and Nash talk a lot and we text too.

I haven't been doing much just going to the gym a lot. I got a 6 pack which is cool I guess.

I missed Nash so so much. I missed his smile,his eyes, his cute snores at night,his dimples. I smile to myself.
Ring, Ring. I answer my phone. It's Nash

"Hey Nash I miss you" I say

"Hey Stella I miss you a lot" he said

"So how's the movie going?" I ask

"Good it's really fun" he said

Nash- I was cut off

"Sorry Stella they need me on set talk to you later" he says

"Ok bye I love you" I said

"Love you too" he said and hung up

I decided to text Emily, and Taylor we can all hang out or something. I text them in a group chat.

We've all became really close ever since Nash left. They reply and we decided to go to the mall.

I wore a white shirt that has emoji's all over it. I loved that shirt. Also some light Hollister jeans. I tie my hair in a ponytail. I grab my iPhone 6 and head to my car.

20 minutes later I reach the mall and see Emily and Taylor.

"Hey guys" we all say.

Then we did some light shopping here and there and then we decide to get some Starbucks. We head to the food court and got our drinks. We had deep conversations about our boyfriends. Danm I miss Nash.

We ate some food and we all go home. I changed and collapsed into the bed. I miss Nash so badly right now. I want to cuddle.

Nash POV
I woke up and headed in my car and went on set. It was really fun to act but I really missed Stella right now. I miss everything about her. Anyway I act for the rest of the day.

Then I headed in my hotel and I fell asleep in seconds. I missed Stella so badly. I wanted to kiss her so badly.

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