Chapter 34

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Stella POV

I woke up to see I am still naked next to Nash. That's embarrassing. Thank goodness he was still sleeping. His hands were still wrapped around me.

I tried to get out of his grip but every time I wiggled his grip got tighter. I tried  to get out of his grip more it got tighter.

"You're not going anywhere" Nash mumbled in his morning voice which was super hot.

"I need to shower" I said

"Ugh fine" he said letting his grip go. Finally. A sharp pain filled my legs. I groaned

"What is up with this" I asked Nash who was laughing.

"Guess I did you too hard last night" Nash smirked.

"Ugh I fucking hate you" I growled at him. He snickered. I glared at him and he stopped.

I got out of bed and took a long shower it relaxed me. I wasn't that sore anymore. I got out and got dressed to Nash still sleeping.

"Ugh Nash wake up" I nudged him.
He groaned. He got up and got dressed.

"Let's go something fun" he said

We headed in the car and drove to the carnival which took 20 minutes.

Nash payed for the tickets after arguing with me about who's paying. We parked and headed inside the carnival. We intertwined our hands.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel first" I said like a 3 year old. He laughed as we headed to the line. Ugh it hurt when I walked. Nash started laughing.

"Shut up" I said.

We headed in the Ferris wheel. We were at the top. It was an amazing view.

"It's beautiful" I muttered

"Yeah but not as beautiful as you" he said

He leaned in for a kiss as I kissed back. It felt amazing as butterflies flooded by stomach. He pulled away.

For the rest of the day we had fun at the carnival. Nash was acting kind of weird but I ignored it.

After that we headed home today was so fun. I loved the carnival. We went inside as Nash was still acting strange.

"Ok Nash what's wrong" I asked Nash

"So a few days ago I got offered a movie role. I accepted it. But it only takes a month to film" he said

"And?" I said

"It's in Carolina" he sighed

Tears were about to come out but I held them back. He should have told me before. But I decided to ignore I didn't want to spend the last day fighting.

"When do you leave" I asked

"Tomorrow" he said

"I really don't want to leave you" he said

"No Nash I think it's a great opportunity. It's only a month anyway" I said and wiped my tears.

He held me in his arms and kissed my lips. I am totally going to miss this. I wish he wouldn't go but I thinks it's a amazing opportunity.

We went to sleep. I was going to dread tomorrow.


I woke up to drop Nash off the airport. I was about to cry. I got dressed and so did he and Nash got his suitcase.

We headed in my car and I drove him there.

"Bye Stella I love you so much" he said and cupped my cheeks. He kissed me.

"I love you too call me when you land" I said crying

He left as I say tears stream down his cheeks. I headed in the car and drove away. I missed him already.

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