Chapter 11

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Stella POV

I woke up at the hospital and I saw Nash on the edge of the bed. His eyes were shot red it looked like he was crying he probably was.

"What happened" I asked

"Well I didn't know where you were and I heard screaming and I thought it was you so I broke down the door and I beat the shit out of him and then I took you to the hospital" he said about to sob

"You are leaving today" he said

the doctor had to run some tests and then I was at home. we were in the car.

"Who was he" he asked

I explained everything to him and his eyes were glossy

"Why didn't you tell me " he said gently

"Luke told me to not tell anyone or else" I said

"Sorry" I said

" you don't need to be sorry" he said

Nash POV

It was the middle of the night when I wrapped my hand around an empty bed.

I shot up and went to the bathroom and Stella was throwing up. I held her hair and patted her back.

"You ok" I asked worried

"Yeah I guess" she said

We layed back down on the bed and I wrapped my hand around her waist. I kissed her cheek

"You are heating up" I said worried felling her forehead

"I am fine" she said

"No you are not" I said

"We will get you some medicine first thing in the morning" I said sleepily

"Night" she said

"Night" I said

Throughout the night Stella got up and went to the bathroom and threw up. I was really worried

Stella POV

I woke up to a empty bed. Nash walked through the door with some medicine. He gave me some water and I
Swallowed the pill. He was leaning down to kiss me but I pulled back

"Nash I am sick you will get sick too" I said

"Worth the risk" he smiled and kissed me

We layed down on the bed and just watched some movies since we could not do anything else. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close.

I layed my head on his chest and we intertwined our hands. It was night time and Nash left and I was really sleepy so I took my pill and went to sleep

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