Chapter 17

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Nash's POV
I woke up and turned off my alarm. I got ready for school and head out the door. I got in my car and though what happened to Stella.

I mean is she ok? I am so worried she avoids me all the time. I drove to school and saw Stella getting out of her car.

I ran up to her and placed my lips on hers. She kissed back this time. It was amazing!!

We went in class hand in hand and sat next to each other. At least she was in a good mood now. School was over and I went home and said goodbye to Stella.

Stella POV

I said goodbye to Nash and headed home. I was a little late cause there was a accident on the way to school. I walked in and felt someone slap me.

My mom punched my stomach and kicked my legs and arms.
"Don't be late again" she spat

I ran upstairs and cried. I wrote a very long letter to Nash. Then I packed my bag and jumped out the window.

I was done and I was going to run away. I was going to go to this hotel and be far away from my mom as possible.

I stopped at Nash's and put the letter in the mailbox and drove to the hotel. I was still crying. I got a room and jumped into bed and just cried until I fell asleep. I hate my life. I want it to end!

Nash POV

"Nash get the mail" my mom yelled

"Ok" I yelled back

I went outside to get the mail I was sliding through when I saw a letter from Stella. I have my mom the rest of the mail and opened the letter. It said:

"Dear Nash,

"I am sorry but I broke a promise to you. I am sorry for acting weird in class. My mom abuses me. She hits me everyday and I didn't tell Anyone until now. I am sorry I didn't tell you. I just couldn't.

I ran away far away from my mom. I am in the nearest hotel come find me when you can. And Nash to be honest.

I don't want to live anymore. I just want the pain to go away. Die with no pain at all.

I want to die there's no point of me living nobody cares. Remember Nash I love you so much and I am so sorry."


Warm liquid left my eyes. I drove to the nearest hotel and ran up the stairs and slammed the door open.

There I saw Stella on the floor staring at the ceiling. She was silent until...

"I am sorry" she said

She lift up her sleeves and I saw several cuts on her beautiful skin.

That's the promise she broke. She was wearing shorts and a tank top. I lift the blanked from her and saw several bruises on her skin.

"Stella I am staying with you" I said

"I will look after you" I said

"I love you" I said

"Nash she will never leave me alone" she sobbed in my chest

"I will protect you" I said

I saw the razor covered in Stella's blood I grabbed and threw it away. I was crying when I saw the bruises and the cuts.

She doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

"Let's go to sleep" I said

We cuddled and fell asleep.

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