Chapter 7

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Stella's POV

I woke up and woke up Carter. She started dating Cameron and they were super cute.

I went on instagram and saw and she posted something about Cameron it looked she got in a fight.

"Carter what's this" I asked

"Nothing" she said

"Did you get in a fight with Cameron" I said

"Yea" she said

"Take it down and go talk to him" I said

"No" she said

"Its for the better" I said

"I am sick of you bossing me around I can do what I want why do you care?" she said

"You know what I don't care just get out" I said

"This is our room" she said

I slammed the door and left. Tears streaming down my eyes. Why the fuck am I crying? She means nothing to me. Nash walked up to me.

"What's wrong babe?" he said worried

"Carted and I got in a fight" I sobbed

He pulled me into a hug. He gripped me gently but firmly. I love his hugs. I stopped crying.

"Go talk to her" he said staring into my light brown eyes

"Ok " I said while sighing

"Nash?" I said

"Hmm?" he said

"I love you" I whispered in his ear

"I love you too babe" he said

I pulled him into a kiss. We moved in sync and we pulled away.

" I got to go see you later babe" he said and left

I went to Nash's room and saw Cameron. His hair was messed up and his eyes were shot red. I sat on the edge of the bed.

"You miss her don't you?" I said while smiling

"Yea" he said while sitting up

I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.

" Its ok" I said

"Go talk to her she is in our room" I said

"Ok" he said

"Stella thanks I really needed that" he said

"Bye" we said

I went back to look for Nash. I saw him his hands were running through his hair.

"Whats wrong" I said

"Go away" he spat

"Nash" I said

"Don't act all innocent I saw you kissing Cameron and hugging him" he said harshly

"Nash I...

"Just leave me alone I don't want to see you again its over" he said while leaving

"Nash please don't leave" I said

"Let me explain" I said while sobbing

Nash POV

Why the fuck would she cheat on me? I thought she loved me? Guess not tears rolled down my eyes and I went to my room. I saw Cameron on the bed

"What the fuck is wrong with you? why would you cheat on me I thought we were best friends" I said

"Dude chill I got in a fight with Carter and she was there comforting me and we got back together" he said

I am a idiot!!!!! I ran to her room and barged in. She shot up from the bed


I crashed my lips on hers and she kissed back after a few seconds. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she accepted.

we were basically making out. we pulled away searching for air. I explained everything and we started watching TV everything was back to normal.

I was laying on her lap and she was running her hands through my hair. She slightly tugged my hair making me moan slightly and she smirked.

I felt my eyes getting heavier and took off my shirt. And got into bed and pulled stella close to me. Our legs tanged and she fell asleep and I did too!!

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