Chapter 32

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Nash POV

I woke up to see my hands wrapped around Stella's waist. What the fuck I didn't even know I did that. I was really mad at her even though I didn't want to pull away.

I wanted to cuddle all day but I pulled my hands away.

I woke up and took a shower after that I got out of the shower to see Stella sitting on the bed playing with her hands as he hair fell to her sides.

I was dripping wet with a towel wrapped on my waist.

"Nash can we talk?" Stella said I nodded my head

"Nash I am sorry I didn't call you its just that I panicked and I was in a rush" she said

I instantly held her in my arms comforting her.

"It's okay" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I rubbed up and down on her arms and her shoulders. She instantly got goosebumps.

"I love how I have these affects on you" I said she pulled away.

"Go get dressed" she said

Oh yeah I forgot. I got dressed. Then we headed out the door. We were going to play laser tag with Matt,the Jacks,Shawn,Cameron,Hayes and Aaron.

We were all going to meet at Cameron's house.

We headed in the car and drove to Cam's house. We rang the doorbell as Cam let us in.

"Hey" I said and gave him a bro hug

"Hey Stella" Cam said and they hugged

After a while all of the guys came and Matt and Cam got a girlfriend.

"Hey guys this is Taylor" Matt said pointing at his girlfriend.

"Hey" she said shyly. We all said hey back.

"This is Emily" Cam said

"Hey guys" she said. We said hey back. Taylor,Emily,and Stella should be good friends

"Let's got bitches" Jack G said in a weird voice. We laughed and headed out the door.

I intertwined Stella and I's hands and got in the car.

Stella and I in the front and the rest in the back. We played What do you mean? By Justin Bieber

We were all singing really loud and off key as we laughed at our horrible voices.
We headed in the laser place thing and payed. Then we put our vests on.

We decided to play in teams. My team was Aaron,Matt,Taylor,Shawn,Emily

The rest was Stella's team. After a while it was only me and Stella left. I won obviously as Stella playfully punched me. I laughed

"Lez get some pizza" Stella said

We laughed and headed to Pizza Hut. Can and Emily were making out.

"Get a room" we all yelled they pulled away we laughed

We ate it was getting late so we all left and headed home.

I got dressed and headed to bed. Me and Stella were basically spooning. Anyway today was fun.

"Night babe" I said and leaned in for a kiss as I explored her moth with my tongue. We pulled away and I fell asleep in minutes.

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