Chapter 10

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Nash POV

I woke up and saw my hands on Stella. I kissed her lips and seconds later she kissed back.

"Good morning beautiful" I said

"Morning" she said laying back down and closing her eyes

"Stella get up" I said

"Want me to get the bucket this time?" I laughed

"Ok ok I am up" she said and shot up

I laughed and kissed her lips. I hopped in the shower and did my usual things I did and saw that Stella was ready.

"Lets go to Ihop" I said

"K" she simply said

I wrapped my hands around her waist and kissed her neck. Finding her sweet spot. I layed my head on her shoulder

"Lets go" she said

We headed out the door and we reached I Hop and we ate.
Stella POV
We decided to head home and then Nash left. I decided to go on a walk so I went to a alley when suddenly someone pinned me to the wall.

"Miss me" he said

"Leave me alone Luke" I said

"We're done" I screamed

"Shut up" he said and slapped me
See look was my ex here's the story.

One night me and Luke we were at his house and he wanted to 'it' with me and I refused. So he raped me and this is the first time

I seen him ever since. Then he forced me to date him so whenever.

I said no he would hit me and abusive me.He grabbed me and threw me into his car. I was screaming and crying and squirming. While I was in the trunk I called Nash

"Nash" I sobbed

"Stella? What's wrong" he asked worried

"I got kidnapped come help me" I sobbed


Luke grabbed my phone and hung up.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you babe" he said

"Don't call me babe" I spat

"Shut up" he said
When we got to his house he dragged up to his room.
He started kissing my neck and I pushed him away.

"You are going to get it bad" he laughed

He hovered over me and slapped me across the face. He started hitting me and the living room slammed open but I couldn't see who it was

"Nash?" I asked

That was my last word and then I blacked out completely.

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