9. Violence Against Nature

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I had to remind myself to remember to breathe, as I felt like time had stopped and the world stood still.

I felt so small...

It was bad enough I had to be in the same room as Noah, and see his beautiful face after vowing to never see him again.

But now...it was apparent he moved on and the universe was kicking me while I was down.

Why did I deserve this?

I didn't want to believe my own eyes. The music started and everyone in the audience was nodding along approving of it already.

I watched as the girl who contributed to the end our relationship was now singing in place of Noah, alongside his band. Noah appeared in his infamous ski mask, and stayed in the background supporting her vocals.

As the song progressed, I had to admit it was catchy. Noah and the guys were so gifted that they developed a distinctive sound and clearly the feedback they were receiving was overwhelming.

Even with Poppy as the main vocalist, it was still very much their sound and it was brilliant.

As the song reached the end, Noah came forward and backed her on the intense screams. I couldn't help but to let my leg bounce with anxiety as I watched them up on stage together, closely side by side. They looked like they were full of chemistry, as they faced each other while they sang.

Not only did Noah make me feel stupid when he was caught...but now here he was, months later, bonding with her in front of the world. It felt like someone took a dagger to my chest. The fact he moved on so quickly with the girl he cheated with just proves I really didn't mean anything to him...four years of my life I'll never get back.

As soon as the song was over, everyone cheered in excitement except for Motionless and I. Ryan leaned in and caressed my leg supportively knowing seeing them together couldn't have felt good.

We briefly attended the after party even though I was apprehensive Noah might notice me. Ryan suggested that we leave but I knew he wanted to stay but was being nice. I wanted to be the bigger person and support my friend in celebrating their new award. Tonight wasn't about me.

We grabbed a few drinks and I followed Ryan as he mingled with other musicians. Some of them I already met previously when I was with Noah. I know people probably had many questions seeing me with Ryan and Noah with Poppy, but I was glad no one had the balls to ask.
The drinks help me relax and I started chatting and feeling a little better. It had been weeks since I had any type of human interaction, and it was something I didn't know I needed.

Later on, I had finished my drink and set the empty glass on the bar. Ryan and Vinny were with me, as we waited for the bartender to notice us for another round. While I waited, I glanced around, and then I saw him. Across the other side of the bar. He apparently already noticed me too as our dark eyes never left one another's. Something inside of me made it difficult for me to breathe, and I felt my face get hot.

"Hey," I spoke close to Ryan's ear, "I'll be right back." I walked off before he could ask me details and I found the door that led to the outside balcony. 

On most nights, I had dreamed of Noah, but with each passing day it was almost as if I was forgetting his face little by little. The fact he was merely a few feet away was too much for me to handle. I thought I could deal with it if the opportunity arose but apparently I gave myself too much credit.

I gripped the railing and closed my eyes as I tried my best to focus on my breathing, tonight was more than overwhelming and I was trying my best not to break.

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