53. To Keep The Walls From Caving In

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I think I might have been in a daze when I called Folio, crying hysterically

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I think I might have been in a daze when I called Folio, crying hysterically. I tried my best to explain to him through my mumbling mess what was going on. I don't think he understood much but he was quickly able to  put two and two together,  already expecting that this was going to happen.

"Hey, Evie don't cry. It's going to be alright."

"Why does everyone keep fucking saying that to me?! It's not alright Folio! It's not! I have a newborn and my husband just got arrested! I'm scared that whoever helped Ryan is going to come for me again! I'm alone! It's not fucking okay!"

"I'm already on my way Evie and I've got Nick with me too. I'm going to call his lawyer so you won't have to worry about that. You're not alone and we're going to all stick this out together. We just have to wait on a call from Noah and see what he says...I know it's Friday so he probably won't be seen until Monday, but bail won't be an issue." I gasped fixated on the day of the week. I forgot it was Friday.

"FUCK! You're telling me he's going to be in there all weekend?!"

"Evie the guys and I will be with you to help you..."

"I want my fucking husband Folio! It should be him here! What the hell were you guys thinking bringing him to see Ryan in the first place?! You're all so immature!" Folio just remained quiet letting me get it out and waited to speak.

"We didn't know it was going to get to that Evie. If we did I never would have drove him there. But unfortunately it's done now and we are going to get through this...please just let us come take care of you. It's the least we can do."

As soon as my outburst was done, I began to feel bad knowing Folio didn't deserve the brunt of my frustration. Luckily, Folio was not anywhere close to as explosive as Noah and I could be. He was so laid back he didn't even take it personally, knowing I was under a ton of stress.

All I could do was rub my eyes, choking back more frustrated tears. I really wouldn't see Noah for three days and then god only knows how many days he would be trapped in there after that. He was so dumb for doing this.

"Fine. Whatever. I'll see you when you get here." I hung up on Folio extremely high strung. I wished I had never met Ryan...
If it weren't for him, our lives would probably be average and boring, which sounded so nice right now.

Noah spent the weekend in jail and all I could do was spend my days full of nerves. The guys spent time at the house, making sure I was never alone. They did exactly what they said they would, but it wasn't helping my longing for Noah. I was hoping day three wouldn't be as bad as day one, but each day without him was just the absolute worst. Every time I held Scarlett in my arms, I had to fight the tears back, thinking Noah should be here doing this with me.

This morning when I was on a three way call with Noah and his lawyer it didn't go well. I had another outburst after the lawyer gave us the raw facts of what the punishment was for aggravated assault in the state of Virginia. If found guilty, he could face up to five years in prison and also get fined in thousands of dollars. I couldn't have cared less about the money, but the fact he might miss out on so much time with Scarlett over a stupid decision was heartbreaking to me. The lawyer was already working on a defense, but in my mind, I already expected that there was no way Noah was getting away with this one. I got so overwhelmed that I hung up on the call, not sure if I could handle this conversation. No matter what our chances were, even if we had the best lawyer in all of Virginia, I knew I still had to prepare myself for the possibility that I might be without my husband for five years. Scarlett would be without her dad. Bad Omens would be without their frontman. So many people would be devastated. I couldn't just sit back and let this happen. I had to try and do something.

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