52. Why's This Always Gotta Happen To Me

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I only had a few moments to try and pull myself together, even though I was panicking. I didn't know exactly what took place earlier, but I could tell just by Noah trying to hide it from me that something bad had happened. I finally opened the door, seeing two cops standing there.

"Good evening miss. We are looking for a Noah Davis and we were able to pull up this address. Does he live here?" I was a terrible liar so I did have to give in to some of the truth at least.

"Yes. He's my husband. But he's not here right now...is something wrong?" The two officers exchanged a glance toward each other then the one I was speaking to looked back to me.

"Do you mind if we come in and search around?"
I got protective knowing they needed a warrant for that and I didn't like that they weren't telling me what was going on. Why was everyone keeping shit from me?!

"Actually, I do mind. I have a newborn and she's asleep and I definitely don't want random people in and out of my house. Unless my husband is in danger, then I think it's best you leave." I wasn't rude with my tone but assertive.

"Ma'am...it'll only take a few minutes. There was an incident that took place earlier this evening and we just wanted to ask him a few questions."

"Like I said...he's not here and my daughter is asleep. However, if you want to come back tomorrow then feel free...unless if there's anything else I can help you with, I would like to go back to bed." I could tell one of the policemen was annoyed but I didn't let it influence me.

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am...thanks for your time..." they didn't look like they were getting ready to leave our steps, so I just closed the door and locked it, not wanting to wait for them to go back to their car.

I stood there by the side window, peaking around the curtain, not able to take a breath until I finally saw them going for their car. I waited for them to drive off and I rushed upstairs wanting answers. I opened our bedroom door and walked in...

"Noah you tell me right n-" before I could finish my sentence, he came over to me and held my face in his hands, and he leaned down kissing me passionately. I was taken back, but of course I kissed him back after I realized what was happening. My eyes remained shut for a few moments, even after he pulled away from me. I was still in a daze from his kiss and almost forgot that I was mad at him. 

"I'm sorry..." he said quietly. "I know you were worried and I should have called...and I know you're confused. I don't want to tell you where I was because I don't want you to think differently of me Evie..."

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