13. So Give Me Something Beautiful

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The next day I slept in later than usual, not able to stop dreaming of the kisses me and Noah shared the night before. I didn't know what to think about it.
Part of me was elated that he missed me...but the other part of me wanted to run. I might be setting myself up for hurt all over again. Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself and it wasn't a big deal to him.

I laid there trying to wake up as I glanced at my phone and opened Instagram to see what was going on in the world.

I saw that Ryan was online and active. He also must have noticed me because it didn't take long until he sent me a message.

"Hey Evie. Can you call me when you get a chance?"

Oh boy.

"I just woke up maybe a little later." I knew he was just going to bring up the things he said last night but I was still a little pissed off and wasn't ready to address it yet. I was thankful he was a good friend and was worried for me but his delivery was all wrong.

"Of course. Hope to hear from you, have a good day. 🖤"

I pre-read the message without opening it and decided to pry myself out of bed. Thankfully I wasn't completely hung over but I could feel a little bit of a headache coming on. I grabbed an excedrine and made my way to my kitchen to make coffee.


A little while into the afternoon, I was typing on my laptop when I heard a knock at my door. Who the fuck is that?

I wasn't expecting anyone today.

I hesitantly went over and looked at the peep hole. Clearly I wasn't the best candidate for random visits.

When I looked I didn't see anyone.

I opened the door and saw a giant box on ground and looked around still not seeing anybody.

I brought the box inside and set it on the counter. When I opened it up, it revealed the most beautiful black roses I had ever seen.

Holy shit....

I looked for a tag and didn't see a card or anything to tell me who sent them.

"These are beautiful..." I gasped to myself and I put them in a glass vase that I thankfully had stored away.

I admired them and took a photo and posted them to my instagram story.

"Thank you, anonymous. They're gorgeous. 🥰" I captioned.

I tried to focus back on my work but found it difficult. It was bothering me that no one was taking credit for these flowers right away, and I had hoped they were from Noah. He hasn't reached out to be today about the kiss and I didn't have the balls to reach out first.

Eventually after getting some notifications of people admiring the flowers, my phone started buzzing from an incoming call.
My heart thumped in my chest. I was slightly hoping it would be Noah...
Okay...who am I kidding...
I really did want it to be Noah...

But my stomach dropped when I saw who it was.



I sighed to myself and figured I would just get this over with as I answered.


"Hey Evie. Is this a bad time?"

"No...I was just working...I needed a break anyway." I went over and plopped on the couch being cordial but I was still annoyed. He told me to call him when I was ready but didn't want to give me time.

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