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⚠️TW/ mentions suicide attempt⚠️

"hello?" jisung questioned as he answered the phone, minho and jiwoong looking at him.

"hello, is this han jisung?" a woman asked.

"yes." jisung answered.

"we have your mother here at the hospital,-"
jisungs phone fell to his side. he felt his whole world crashing around him.

"what happened to her?" he asked quietly.

"we're going to need you to come in." she took a deep breath.

"what happened to her?" he asked again, louder this time.

"she attempted suicide." the nurse whispered.

his whole world came crashing down.

"we saved her, she's alive." she assured.

"i'm on my way." jisung replied, hanging up the phone.

"what's wrong?" minho asked as jisung quickly got up.

"m-my mom...she-she's in t-the h-hospital." jisung choked back tears. "she attempted s-suicide."

"oh my god." minho and jiwoong got up, minho quickly grabbing clothes.

"i'll meet you guys there." jiwoong spoke quickly as he left.

"ji, i'll drive you." minho spoke gently as they changed.

"m-min..." jisung began to sob.

minho pulled his shirt over his head, pulling jisung into a hug. he held him tightly, afraid to let go.

"we need to leave." jisung whispered.

"let's go ji." minho whispered gently.

the two quickly put their shoes on, rushing to minho's car. the ride was quite aside from jisungs sobs that he tried to silence. for some reason he had a hard time hiding his vulnerability when he was with minho.

as soon as they arrived, they ran into the hospital. the nurse stopped jisung. her face looked tense as she asked him to talk.

"what's your relationship to the patient?" she asked minho.

"i'm her son-in-law, what happened to her?" he spoke quickly.

"she tried to overdose. we saved her, thankfully. however she has a lot of bruises and cuts. is there a possibility of domestic abuse?" she asked.

"yes." jisung whispered. "it is domestic abuse. her h-husband. han seungwoo."

"okay, thank you for telling me." she nodded softly. "a lot of the bruises are very fresh."

"he fucking beat her." jisungs jaw clenched. his whole body tensed. "i fucking told him not to touch her."

"would you be okay to talk to the police?" she asked.

"kim jiwoong. i will talk with kim jiwoong only." jisung answered.

"okay. you can go ahead and see her. room 325." she nodded.

jisung wasted no time, grabbing minhos hand and running to the elevators. the two waited impatiently for the doors to open, and even more impatiently to get to the third floor. jisung rushed to the room and immediately froze as he saw his mother.

she looked so lifeless as she laid in her hospital bed. as if the attempt had worked. she was pale and still and bags and dark circles surrounded her eyes.

"mom." jisung whispered as he broke down.

"sung." her voice wavered, her hand inviting him to hold it.

jisung sat by the bed, minho waiting outside. jisung grabbed his mothers hand. he sobbed and she sobbed and they held each others hands tightly.

"what did he do to you?" jisung whispered.

"oh my baby." she stroked the back of his hand. "i'm so sorry."

"mom, you don't have to be sorry. we all have our breaking points, it just happens differently for everyone." jisung cried out.

"i wish mine happened like yours." she chuckled.

"i'll kill him. i'll kill him for what he's done to you. to all those other girls." he spoke angrily.

"my baby, it's okay." she smiled sadly. "he will be arrested."

"prison isn't enough i want him dead." jisung cried out. "i shouldn't have stopped, i should've killed him. right there in front of everyone. he'd go to hell embarrassed."

"you'd go to prison. i don't want that." she sighed.

"i don't care. i'll happily go to prison as long as he's dead." jisung shook his head.

"i care. i want to see my baby happy and healthy. and maybe that can happen with him gone." she smiled. "minho seems to make you really happy."

"mom please don't divert the conversation." jisung begged. "please. what happened?"

"he was mad at me for giving birth to you? he should be mad at himself for getting me pregnant with you but i don't regret a thing. you're my baby. my pride and joy. he beat me. and i just couldn't take it anymore. so i attempted to overdose. heejin and jinah unnies found me and called an ambulance." she spoke calmly.

"i knew something would happen. i was so scared." jisung whispered.

"how'd you know?" she asked.

"normally your smile is so warm and your eyes are so full of life. but last night your eyes looked so empty. i was scared. i knew he'd pushed you past your limit." jisung explained quietly.

"you know i love you. so much." she smiled gently. "you're so observant."

"i should've stayed with you." jisung shook his head.

"he would've just beat you while he was in the hospital too." she shook her head.

"he's still fucking here?" jisung asked, his voice laced with anger.

"he is." she nodded.

"i'm going to go fucking kill him." jisung stood up, his mother pulling him to sit again.

"jisung honey." she spoke gently. "you committing murder won't make me feel any better. and it won't undo any that he has done."

"but it will give him the punishment he deserves for what he's done." jisung shook his head.

"while i'm on suicide watch i'm having minho put you under murder watch." she chuckled.

"mom." he spoke seriously.

"just trying to make light of the situation." she shrugged.

"too soon." he shook his head.

"am i rubbing salt into the wound?" she asked quietly.

"yes. this is terrifying." he spoke gently. "but i'm not mad at you. just worried. and relieved that you're alive."

"i know baby. me too." she nodded. "and i'm sorry."

"you have nothing to be sorry for. don't feel guilty." jisung shook his head. "i'm okay as long as you're okay."

"okay sung. come give your mommy a hug." she chuckled.

jisung got up, laying next to her in the hospital bed. their arms wrapped around each other, jisung holding his mothers body close. he held her tightly, so afraid to let her go.

he wanted, no, needed to protect her from him.

a/n: i wanted to have her succeed but i couldn't just kill off sunhwa like that im too attached to her 💔

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