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jisung was drinking way more than he normally would. he threw back shot after shot, felix looking at him with concern. he watched jisung pour another shot, downing it.

"sungs, are you okay?" felix asked gently.

"i'm feeling great!" jisung smiled, taking another shot.

"maybe you should slow down a bit." seungmin spoke softly.

"nah, i'm fine." jisung shook his head.

"hyung please drink some water." jeongin was also worried.

"i don't want water." jisung refused.

"its my birthday and i want you to drink water." chan sighed.

"channie hyung that's not fair!" jisung whined. "hyung, back me up." he clung to minho.

"they're right, ji. you need to slow down." minho gently ran his fingers through his hair.

"why is he drinking so much? did something happen?" felix asked minho.

"no!" jisung shouted. "it's fine. everything is fine."

"is it about your dad?" felix asked.

"i said everything's fine!"

"ji, you're going to end up throwing up." minho shook his head.

"so let me." jisung shrugged, taking another shot.

"i'll talk to him tomorrow." felix shook his head.

"hyung." jisung giggled as he laid his head on minhos shoulder, looking up at him. "hyung you're so pretty. just like the moon. you're my moon." he giggled.

"and you're the sun. so pretty like the sun." minho smiled softly at him.

"let's have a dance party for channie hyung!" jisung stood up excitedly.

"i'll put music on." chan chuckled, connecting his phone to the speaker, putting his playlist on shuffle.

the boys all got up, joining jisung in dancing around the living room. they laughed loudly as they drank more and danced around. jisung pulled minho to him and wrapped his arms around his neck. they danced and swayed and jumped around in each others arms.

jisung began to feel dizzy, taking a step back.

"bathroom?" minho asked.

jisung only nodded, rushing to the bathroom. minho followed behind him. he helped him as he kneeled in front of the toilet. he gently rubbed his back as he threw up. tears rolled down jisungs cheeks as he threw up everything he'd had to drink that night.

he sat back up, sobbing uncontrollably. minho pulled him to his chest as he sobbed. he muttered apologies as he tried to get himself to calm down.

"let's get you changed." minho spoke gently as he helped jisung up.

he led jisung to the sink and turned on the faucet, cupping water in his hand to help jisung rinse his mouth. he rinsed his mouth a few times before minho turned the faucet off. he helped him walk upstairs to his room. he exchanged the shirt he was wearing for a hoodie.

he helped jisung back down the stairs, sitting him on the couch.

"i'll be back. i'm gonna go get you some water and bread." minho spoke gently.

jisung just nodded, pulling his knees up to his chest as minho left.

"sung are you okay?" felix asked gently as he sat next to him.

jisung once again only nodded, unable to give a verbal answer without breaking.

"you never hide things from me." felix frowned.

"it's chan hyungs birthday." jisung whispered. "i promise i'll tell you later."

"here you go." minho handed him a cup of water and a plate with bread on it.

"thank you. i'm sorry." jisung whispered.

"i'll take care of him." minho assured gently.

"thank you hyung." felix hesitantly got up, allowing minho to sit next to jisung.

"i'm sorry." jisung whispered.

"ji, you have nothing to apologize for." minho spoke gently.

"i'm sorry for ruining your fun. i always ruin everything." he began to cry again.

"you're not ruining anything." minho shook his head.

"i'm so annoying. i'm sorry." jisung sobbed out.

"hey, you're not annoying. and you're not ruining anything so stop apologizing." minho kept his tone gentle.

the boys had stopped drinking, sitting back down with their drinks.

"my mom just wanted me to have fun and i can't even do that right!" he sobbed.

"ji." minho whispered.

"can you take me to your room so i don't ruin the night for everyone." jisung looked up at him.

"the nights over anyways sung, i'm sleepy." chan tiredly called out.

"i'm sorry for ruining your birthday." jisung sobbed.

"you didn't ruin anything." chan assured.

"i'll take him upstairs. you guys can head to the guest rooms, we can clean up tomorrow." minho smiled as he stood up.

he helped jisung to stand up, grabbing the bread and water as they made their way upstairs.

jisung collapsed on the ground by minhos bed, bringing his knees to his chest as he sobbed. minho set the bread and water on his bed side table as he joined jisung on the ground.

"i didn't want to ruin his birthday." jisung cried out.

"you didn't, ji." minho whispered. "and you're going through a lot right now. we're all here for you, okay?"

"i ruined everything because i'm such a fucking crybaby." jisung shook his head.

"ji, with the hell you're going through, i didn't expect you to keep it together. and they'll understand. is that why you didn't tell them today? because of chans birthday?" minho rubbed his back.

"yes. i just wanted everyone to enjoy chan hyungs birthday, i didn't want to ruin it and i still did anyways." jisung nodded.

"you didn't ruin anything. eat your bread." minho grabbed the plate for him.

jisung took the bread, slowly taking small bites of it. minho's gentle hands wiped jisungs tears as he ate. minho helped him to drink water before they climbed into bed.

jisung was immediately brought into minhos arms as they laid down. he cuddled minho close, inhaling the sweet vanilla scent. their legs tangled together as jisung passed out. minho had a soft smile on his face as he looked down at the blue boy sleeping in his arms.

"you'll be okay, ji. i'm right here. i'll be with you to help you endure it all." minho whispered.


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