Ch 9: If something's lacking, fix it.

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"Ghost, congratulations on your safe return."

As Kang Jin-hoo removed his gas mask, the dust that clung to his body scattered in the air. His face, marked with injuries, had torn clothes all over, leaving no uncovered areas, and was stained with blood.

His superior briefly glanced at Kang Jin-hoo's missing right arm and then checked Kang Jin-hoo's records.

"The squad... it's wiped out. Well, you came back alive, so that's enough. Where did you leave your arm?"

The superior didn't say anything to Kang Jin-hoo, who returned alone. After all, life could be created at any time.

In a society where young children became soldiers, they were taught, 'You are expendable. Prioritize a safe return, but if you suffer irreparable injuries, end your life on your own.'

"Explosion with the squad members."

"You can attach a new one if you bring it... Tsk."

The superior clicked his tongue, finding the resources used to attach a machine arm wasteful, but Kang Jin-hoo didn't think anything of it.

"Attach a new arm in the medical office. Wait at home for a while and await the next mission."

"Yes, understood."

Kang Jin-hoo nodded expressionlessly.

"It seems it can still be reused."

Through the closing door, a cold voice, as if scoring an object, was heard. It was a remark directed at himself. Kang Jin-hoo furrowed his brow.

<Ghost, I offer condolences for the squad members. Thank you for your hard work.>

<The next mission is in 32 hours, 27 minutes, and 21 seconds. Rest deeply while waiting.>

Ironically, the AI pouring out humane words of concern made Kang Jin-hoo burst into laughter.

After attaching a new arm in the medical office, he stepped out of the unit. The underground air was stuffy, people cramped together in limited space, and occasionally soldiers went above ground to exterminate monsters and collect resources.

"Ghost, got a new arm? What happened?"

"Just happened."

"Records of soldiers without mechanical devices are breaking like this... How about a drink later?"


Taking advantage of that gap, Kang Jin-hoo headed to his home. Eve, the artificial life incubation device, revealed its presence in the center. A new person was just born. The childbirth assistance drone that was hovering in the air swiftly moved. B referred to the food production area. The child transported by the drone would be responsible for growing vegetables in the greenhouse or managing livestock.

"Welcome, Master. Shall I prepare a meal?"

"No, I won't eat."


When he opened the front door, the artificial intelligence managing his home greeted him. Kang Jin-hoo, who had roughly washed up, threw himself onto the bed.

[In the world before the apocalypse, what would you like to do?]

[Run away!]

[Aaah! S-save me...!]

His body felt heavy, sleep wouldn't come, and he kept thinking. Kang Jin-hoo sat up.

"Open the archive, home."

"Yes, understood. Shall I continue watching episode 12 of 'Hot Youth' that you watched yesterday?""


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