Ch 100+101

33 0 0

////TL: Just so I can stay on the 200 chapter limit of wattpad, I'm going to be putting 2 chpaters in 1 starting from now. 182 more chapter to go T-T////

Ch 100:

Yoo Yeonseo, who finished his acting, slowly closed and opened his eyes. Jung Hyunsik and Director Cheon clapped.

"What do you think?"

He turned his stiff neck. Performing on stage required pouring a lot of energy, and with emotional involvement, it was quite exhausting. There must be something to learn from these two experienced individuals.

"Was the last part your own interpretation?"


"Why did you do it that way?"

"Well... Ownership about life?"

Yoo Yeonseo spread his arms.

"I don't even have the right to end my own life the way I want."

Director Cheon, who had watched extreme actor practices with him, he raised the corner of his mouth as if amused. While the former actor struggled with anger and asserted his will to live, Yoo Yeonseo was resigned and in despair.

"You're quick-witted."

"I find mimicking plain things boring."

Yoo Yeonseo turned his head towards the presence felt backstage. There seemed to be someone... he faced Director Cheon's question again.

"Why do you act?"

Yoo Yeonseo couldn't immediately answer that question. The initial motive was to experience various lives, but now he wasn't sure.

"Why did you continue to stay in the entertainment industry?"

Simply following in the footsteps of Lee Heeseo? He became curious about the inner workings of the body's owner, which he hadn't cared much about before.

"Just because, it's fun."

The boundaries between Kang Jinhoo and Yoo Yeonseo were crumbling. As they synchronized memories, they understood that they were merging, but it wasn't complete yet, causing confusion in their identities.

"Acting that mixes experiences... It's good. But you must know it comes with a lot of stress."

"I know. My neck still feels stiff."

Perhaps because he was a master director, he could grasp how he acted at a glance.


On the other hand, Director Cheon looked at Yoo Yeonseo again. Time for immersion passes quickly, and so does the time to snap out of it. It's a feeling that the body moves on its own without conscious calculation. If an actor like him could fully immerse himself in a role and live it beyond the screen... it would be interesting.

"Sometimes, it's better to focus solely on the role without any other thoughts."

Of course, it's impressive when an actor can maintain focus without getting distracted.

"I didn't expect much, but you're quite good."

Director Cheon saw potential in Yoo Yeonseo.

Yoo Yeonseo nodded at his sharp observation. He seized the opportunity to live a different life through acting. Method acting might be suitable, but he worried about not being able to break out of immersion. He was already trying to keep his sanity intact, not letting himself be consumed by the role of Yoo Yeonseo.

"Do you have any other advice?"

"You're very handsome."


The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius ActorWhere stories live. Discover now