Ch:14 The old habit came out again.

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Park Hyeon-jeong enjoyed teaching Yoo Yeon-seo. Despite his dignified and different personality from the rumors, he had a talent to absorb everything like a sponge and had a strong sense of achievement.

Once he started practicing, he wouldn't leave the practice room until he was satisfied. She even ran into Yoo Yeon-seo, who stayed up all night practicing last time. Thanks to that, Yoo Yeon-seo's vocalization and pronunciation had improved considerably.

'In that aspect, he resembles his mom a lot.'

Lee Hee-seo was also stubborn. As a former idol, she faced staff who ignored her acting skills just because she had a pretty face, and she worked tirelessly to convince them with her acting. The success of "Happy Farewell" couldn't ignore Lee Hee-seo's efforts and determination.

Lost in reminiscence, Park Hyeon-jeong clenched her fist and observed Yeon-seo's movements intently.

'If only he had taken lessons earlier, his image wouldn't have fallen so low...'

However, there was one concern.

"The footsteps you just did, who were you portraying?"

"A homeless person searching for food just before dawn."

"It seems like that. Earlier, you were a drug dealer who got shot and ran away, right? You portrayed it well, but..."

Yoo Yeon-seo nodded.

His vivid imagination and expressive skills were impressive. He even wondered if Yoo Yeon-seo's acting was too good for a beginner. However, what he was trying to express was generally dark. It felt like she had lived through such situations.

'Does a chaebol really depict the hardships of life so well?'

It was good to excel in at least one aspect, but there was a catch.

"Yeon-seo, overall, you seem to be weak in portraying 'ordinary things.'"

"Do I?"

Yoo Yeon-seo smiled confidently. Park Hyeon-jeong's words were all accurate.

"What you're expressing is too... hopeless. Why did you give such a character?"

"Just, there's no reason."


As Park Hyeon-jeong squinted her eyes, Yoo Yeon-seo avoided eye contact.

In the society of 2207, on the brink of destruction and barely surviving, the people he encountered were all like this. A life predetermined without freedom, monsters occasionally descending from the sky, and a society where there was no hope of improvement.

"The immersion is good. Your imagination is good too."

He had consumed media thousands and millions of times in the past and constantly thought about how he would have handled such situations. As a result, immersion and imagination naturally developed.

'But still, it's not entirely hopeless.'

Yoo Yeon-seo clenched and unclenched his fist.

"But you need to enhance your observational skills. You'll be returning to school next year, right?"


He had promised his grandfather, and graduating from school properly was necessary. Besides, he was curious about ordinary university life.

"Then, observe the students around you. At your age, there will be many roles like that."

Yoo Yeon-seo nodded.

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