Ch 138+139

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Ch 138:

Yeonseo attends the opening ceremony of the Busan International Film Festival

[Photo] Yoo Yeon-seo, red carpet visual

Actor Yoo Yeon-seo walked the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the Busan International Film Festival. He was invited not as an actor but as a representative of a sponsor.

-Hey, what's up with the head? Is it for your next project?"

-Wow, look at his visuals."

-I admire how Yoo Yeon-seo dressed up so beautifully. Can't wait for the next project!"

-His style is no joke."

As Yoo Yeon-seo, wearing a perfectly fitted suit and coat, stepped onto the scene of the opening ceremony, a familiar voice called out to him.


It was the members of "Welcome to Guest House."

"Why are you all gathered here?"

"How have you been?"

Park Seung-hwan, Choi Jun-young, Lee Yoon-jung, and Jin Soo-ho also participated as actors in the submitted works.

"It would be perfect if Lee Jun were here."

"Hasn't he gone to the military?"

"It hasn't been that long since he left, has it?"

Their gaze turned to Yoo Yeon-seo. As controversies about his character reignited, some members of AST Entertainment whose contracts had ended with the company One-Seven began to speak up.

Lee Jun of One-Seven and Woo-hyun of AST Entertainment fail to renew contracts... Expressing feelings through social media

Yoo Yeon-seo, who left One-Seven suddenly, invested secretly for One-Seven for seven years.


-Is this for real?

-Wow, unbelievable.

-Then it's not just betrayal.

-What's going on here? Wasn't the compensation for leaving enough? Then it's not betrayal. Why did One-Seven stay silent for so long? The arrow of doubt was directed at the agency, questioning why they are speaking out now that the contracts have ended.

And within a few hours, Yu Hui-min's capital offensive, distributing photos of the "National Day" team's reward vacation and nearly bombarding them, overwhelmed the comments by Yu Hui-min, the chairman.

"What a waste of time..."

"Why? It looks nice."

It wasn't completely buried under comments, but it wasn't fading away either. AST Entertainment, which had lost cash cows due to the failed renewal of SevenOne, responded by saying it was groundless.

But Lim Seung-hyun, who couldn't just let it slide, while investigating with Baek Seo-joon, handed over evidence to Halo Media that AST Entertainment had withdrawn Yoo Yeon-seo's investment money. Park and Han, managers, enthusiastically manipulated the press.

-Honestly, who gives money like that for seven years?

-It's just because he succeeded in reverse during his career and didn't get any push before. Isn't it unfair that he just being cursed?


-It's not a problem with One-Seven, but with the agency, isn't it? Why did they steal the money themselves?

-I'm watching now;; He/she left, but he/she fulfilled his/her duties as a member. Why did he/she get cursed all this time?

-That's not a duty either, who gives money like that when he already left and not even in the same agency?

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